5 Shocking Myths About Vaping
The act of inhaling vapor produced by the heating up of water, certain chemicals, nicotine, or marijuana based compounds is referred as vaping. The first fully functional E- Cigarette, introduced in 2003 took the world by a storm. The aim was to create an alternative for cancer causing cigarettes and to avoid its fatal harm.
Today, the vaping industry is an industry of estimated USD 10 billion. Still, people are unaware of the health risks that go hand in hand with vaping. These adverse effects are somewhat as dangerous as of smoking a regular cigarette.
Performing vaping tricks and recording/uploading these videos online has become a part of the subculture. It might look as a very pleasant and cool task at first, but the after effects are adverse. Users have reported bleeding mouth and gums, and these sores seemed slow to heal. …show more content…
The gums damage can harm the gums that hold the teeth in place.
Teenagers are lured into vaping as the vaping industry uses E-juices or E-liquids. This ‘Smoke Juice’ comprises of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, nicotine and added flavors. The latter usually is the prime factor that the youth concentrates on. These flavors vary from vendor to vendor. Depending upon the potency and taste.
Given the fact that vaping industry is relatively new, we can easily understand why there are only a handful of studies on the subject. The majority of data we can find online is based on users experience. If you consider starting vaping, you will probably have some difficulties with finding a credible source of information online.
Yes! There might be pros and cons in vaping as everything has 2 aspects at least. The industry has taken the world by a storm for sure. So let us analyze few myths and facts about vaping to make it clear for the readers, whether to go for it or not.
These facts must be enough for you to think twice before buying another E- Cigarette--
1. DETERIORATED IMMUNITY Studies have revealed that people who vape have a disability to fight infections. A comparison made between cigarette and vape users showed that both the users had decreased activity in certain genes that help build the immunity. It was revealed that the liquid used in E- Cigarettes has an immunosuppressive effect on the body. This has also resulted in impaired wound healing. In the process of wound healing, the fibroblasts at the edge of the wound will shrink. This causes the wound to close up. When exposed to E- Cigarette smoke, this process was shown to be hindered. 2. POPCORN LUNG Bronchiolitis obliterans, commonly known as popcorn lung is a disease that results in obstruction of the smallest airways in the lungs due to inflation. This destruction of small airways has proven to be a result of Vape liquids. The E- juices contain chemicals such as diacetyl. Majority of vape flavors used commercially contain these or identical chemicals. It is impossible to accurately diagnose without doing a surgical lung biopsy, and sometimes not even then. There is no cure for BO except lung transplant. 3. FATAL METALS In every E- Cigarette a metal coil is used to heat up the E- juice or E- liquid that results in the formation of vapors. These coils mainly comprise of chemical but the most alarming being chromium, manganese, and nickel (AMOUNTS VARYING FROM BRANDS). Manganese may result in harming the nervous system whereas nickel and a certain form of chromium can result in cancer. Even benzene was discovered in few brands of E- cigarettes which can result in cancer. This chemical is a component in a regular cigarette as well. Chemicals such as tin have also been found in certain E- liquids. Such chemicals have shown to hinder body cell growth and abnormal cell growth. 4. LURING YOUNG USERS It is witnessed that younger generation often goes for flavored E- Cigarettes. Teens perceive flavored vapes as less harmful than tobacco flavored ones. E- Cigarettes may not use tobacco as true cigarettes but are still categorized as a tobacco product because certain E- juices contain nicotine. In a study, teenagers said that tobacco products seem more appealing when the product has been flavored. It is important to note that if something does not