A. Personalize the call throughout as appropriate and inject your personality. The customer is not just buying a product they are also buying an experience; the experience your personality creates
B. Establish and Build Rapport
i. When requesting and confirming information with the caller ii. Discussing the caller’s goals and probing iii. While offering the upsells
C. Share your personal experiences or use someone else’s that relates to the caller’s goals
i. Demonstrate an understanding of Beachbody’s programs and supplements ii. Become comfortable with the customer to challenge their objections iii. Relate to the caller’s personal objectives and encourage the caller to succeed by reinsuring them that the product they are purchasing will help them reach their goals iv. All dead air time should be minimized and managed by the agent
0 Agent does not meet elements A - C of the standard 8 Agent meets elements A - C of the standard Building Value Standard Description: Clear communication and honesty is the foundation to building trust. Accuracy needs to be followed according to the policies and procedures. In an effort to help protect our Better Business Bureau’s A+ rating as well as ensure that every customer has a great Beachbody experience. Accuracy includes processing the customer’s order correctly, reading back to the customer their e-mail address, phone number, and address. Agent must also disclose correct pricing, S&H & continuity nature of every offer to avoid disclosure. Personality Types Determine the type of caller at start of call to maximize your ability to build value during the call and cater to the caller’s personality A. Identify Personality i. The Driver: a blunt and direct caller who makes decisions quickly ii. The Socializer: the emotional caller, who bases their decisions on feeling and intuition. Normally excited about anything new iii. The Thinker: the caller who makes decisions slowly and asks a lot of questions and tends to rely on facts and logic iv. The Relater: The caller who is afraid to make a decision because they’re afraid of risk and what others think B. Present product and upsells based on the identified personality type of customer 0 Agent does not meet elements A - B of the standard 8 Agent meets elements A - B of the standard Upsells A. Offer all upsells unless the caller prevents you from doing so i. Be sure to cover the main offers: Deluxe, Activit, Lifetime Warranty and TBB ii. Always stress the features and benefits of the options you offer iii. Give benefits of continued use and emphasize long-term results 0 Agent does not meet elements of the standard 10 Agent meets the elements of the standard. Value – Price- Value – Price – Close (V .P.V.C) A. Provide the value of each offered product prior revealing price, sandwich the cost with value, benefits and customer’s goals i. Describe the value and benefits of the product/campaign ii. Then provide the price of the product/campaign after the customer heard the value and benefits iii. After giving the cost always follow directly up without hesitation adding more value and benefits of the …show more content…
And you also are going to get the 3 Day Quick Fix, the Dirty 30 Workout plus your 247 Online Support once set your order up”.
Agent: “Okay”
B. Redirect the price to lead the customer back to the value of the product
i. Confirm each offer by reiterate the main benefits of the program/supplement ii. If caller inquiries about pricing, lead the caller back to the value of the product
For example:
Customer: “How much is did you say the deluxe was”?
Agent: The Deluxe is a catalyst for accelerating results. And since you have your trip to Miami coming up the 2 additional workouts, Flat Abs and Barre Legs are going streamline your success. Plus make it easier with the additional set of Portion Control Containers w/ blue large container and high-grade Thermal Protection Meal bag on the go. The best part is the deluxe is only 3 additional payments of $19.95 to have you bathing suit ready in 21 Days and glowing like the sun in all of our Miami pictures. Are you ready to be in the best shape of your life when you go to