Peace is a preeminent Canadian value and it is written all over the country’s history. From the beginning of the formation of Canada, people who deem themselves Canadian’s have always shown their value of peace. Since Confederation, the only war has been the Northwest Rebellion. Canada achieved nationhood by peaceful and lawful means. With the exception of 1885, Canadians have fought only in other people’s wars and …show more content…
Unlike America, Canada offers free healthcare. This is a value specific to the country because of how powerful Canadians and leaders have kept the free healthcare system in play since 1947 and not tried to shift to the American style where you are obliged to pay a large amount even for a casual appointment. Universal Free Healthcare has been embraced and valued in the country for many decades yet the Canadian government has made it unclear as to if they are treating this highly held value of their citizens as significantly as they should. There are not enough spaces in medical school and there are not enough physicians in the country. A seemingly simple problem to fix for such a vital value. “Everyone knows there's a doctor shortage in Canada. Yet every year, thousands of potential future doctors are turned away,” (Jenny Mitchell, Globe and Mail). Although Universal Free Healthcare is showcased as a unique value, can it truly be considered a value if the people who are supposed to be strengthening it are not proving their commitment to it? Healthcare is a value to the citizens of Canada but it can be perceived as not, due to the way that the government is running the system and the intake …show more content…
Free health care has been a program that Canadian’s do not have to worry about being stripped away, but the lack of openings in the medical school system contradict whether or not the Canadian government values this systems as highly as their citizens. Equality is said to be the ultimate value even though Canada is yet to supply it for their mentally ill and other residents. The important values of peace, health care and equality are all present despite the flaws that have arose within each section. Canada is not a perfect nation yet but they are standing on top of the right building blocks to grow into