Summary: The Canadian Health Care System

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The Canadian health care system and related issues are hotly debated topics in Canada. The polarity of the debate is well represented in the somewhat divergent perspectives presented in the books: Health Care by Pat and Hugh Armstrong and The Canadian Regime by Patrick Malcolmson et al. Two aspects of the Canadian health care system are debated with vigor and vehemence, and will be the basis of the comparison between the two books, they are: federalism, and privatization. In Canada currently, the responsibilities of health care are split between federal and provincial governments, with the Federal government contributing about 20 percent of provincial health spending (225), 1 and while provinces provide the bulk of money, they adhere to federal guidelines. Whether or not this level of provincial independence should continue and expand, or whether or not the federal government should assume more control of health care is also an important issue. The role of the free market in health care is another ongoing debate in Canada and many monied interests are lobbying for a private health care system to go alongside the public system. The perspective of Pat and Hugh Armstrong on Health care policy in Canada is superior to that of Malcolmson et al. regarding federalism, privatization, and that will be proven in this work. Privatization is discussed in both books and in quite different terms. The Canadian Regime speaks neutrally about privatization, while Health Care aggressively argues against 1 Malcolmson, Patrick N., Richard Morley Myers, Gerald Baier, and Thomas Michael Joseph Bateman. The Canadian regime: an introduction to parliamentary government in Canada. North York: University of Toronto Press, 2016. privatization. The main argument of Pat and Hugh Armstrong regarding a two-tiered system is that it would pull medical professionals away from the public system and increase wait-times, contrary to its reputed function of reducing wait-times, and the system of private ownership of health care would run contrary to human rights. A two-tiered system is a system that provides universal public health care to all citizens, but alongside that system is a private one wherein wealthier people can purchase medical care, theoretically, with expedited wait times and superior quality. Pat and Hugh Armstrong cite a Manitoba study of private home-care services that found the quality to be lower, and costs to be higher among private services when compared to public ones (143).2 This study, among others with the same results, discredit a two-tiered system on a purely economic basis. The book The Canadian Regime also discusses this issue, using a Quebec provincial supreme court case as a touchstone (228).3 The court decided that “access to private health insurance takes the pressure off the public system and …show more content…
Pat and Hugh Armstrong have an interesting perspective on The Canada Health Act: “The Canada Health Act is a remarkable piece of legislation. For one thing it represents a clear defeat of strong physician opposition” (225).10 Pat and Hugh Armstrong frame the 1984 act as a vanquishing of doctor’s lobby more so than a federalist victory. This is further evidenced by this quotation from Health Care: “The Act’s brevity is, to a large extent, its strength. It made clear that we Canadians share common values when it comes to health care, and it allows each province to meet these principles and conditions in its own way” (25).11 Pat and Hugh Armstrong do not see the bill as being as staunchly federalist as Malcolmson el al. In The Canadian Regime Malcolmson et al. state that: “Thus, the federal government used its spending power to impose national standards, supporting a national conception of what health care means in Canada” (225).12 The perspectives of Pat and Hugh Armstrong and Malcolmson et al. diverge very clearly on this issue. Pat and Hugh Armstrong use language like, “each province to meet these principles and conditions in its own way” while Malcolmson et al. use language like, “the federal government used its spending power to impose national standards.” Malcolmson et al. continue to frame the health care issue in terms of federalism: “Now, provinces are responsible for the delivery of very expensive health programming, their single largest program and spending commitment. Yet they lack the tax revenues to do so sustainably” (225). Pat and Hugh Armstrong say that more federal money should be sent to the provinces to cover health

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