While running away from his pursuer, he runs across the field and his brother Pete witnesses just how fast Louis is and decides to train his brother to be a runner. With the help of his brother Louis channels all of his energy into running for the track and field team. This is where Louis learns a lesson that would ultimately save his life later on even though he had no idea the impact it would have on his life at the moment at hand. While Louis is training with his brother, his brother tells him “If you can take it, you can make it”. Louis at first is very confused by this and doesn’t quite understand what his brother is trying to tell him, his brother tells him that all he has to do is believe in himself and he can accomplish whatever he wants to but Louis still doesn’t believe in himself but his brother does so he begins to train. As Louis grows and continues training, he becomes an amazing distance runner and earns himself the nickname “The Torrance Tornado”. Eventually qualifying for the 1936 Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany it is here Louis will meet his first challenge the 5000-meter race. The start of the race goes normal and well and it is about halfway through it that Louis starts to die out and goes from the middle …show more content…
Because Louis was an Olympian “The Bird” was much crueler due to Louis being an Olympic athlete. “The Bird” beat Louis nearly every day to show his dominance over him because he was jealous of the status Louis once had, he made it so he was the lowest person in the POW camp, instead of the fame light he had been accustomed to being an Olympic athlete. After about a year of being in the POW camp a news station in japan had heard that Louis Zamperini was in the POW camp they decided to use Louis as a propaganda tool, Louis was first supposed to talk on the radio to his mother and tell his mother and family and friends that he was still alive. The second thing Louis was to slander the U.S and talk bad about the military and in return he would be able to leave the POW camp and stay in Japan as a propaganda tool. When Louis refused he was brought back to the camp where “The Bird” was infuriated that Louis did not do the propaganda as he was told, so he punished Louis by having every single prisoner punch him in the face for not showing his respect to japan. While Louis was being punched he kept flashing back to what his brother would say “If you can take it, you can make it”, “If you can take it, you can make it”, “If you can take it, you can make it” he kept repeating it in his head. After everyone in the camp had punched him,