Jack Abramoff was the top lobbyist in D.C. from 1994 to 2001 and was involved in arguably one of the largest scandals in American history. This scandal involved many other people and some main players were Michael Scanlon, Adam Kidan, Ralph Reed, Tom Delay, and Bob Ney. All of these people either received bribes, gave out bribes, or were involved in some other type of illegal activity. Abramoff’s scandal was based mainly around his lobbying work with the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and their interests in owning casinos and gambling. His first job in 1995 was to eliminate the bill that was charging an unrelated sales tax to the Native Americans casinos.…
This author himself is a highly educated, college professor. Even with that perspective of being a scholar in this field of study for more than 5 years, Herb does not frame this article to be viewed by other highly educated university professors in his similar field of study. As I mentioned before he aims this article at a more general population. The actual audience of this piece would be subscribers to the Washington Post where this article was published. In addition to the subscribers, the ideal audience would include individuals in care about the Equifax hack or cyber space policy and security.…
Jack Abramoff Jack Abramoff is a former lobbyist and businessman. He was convicted of mail fraud, conspiracy, bribing of public officials and tax evasion. Jack plead guilty to charges that aligned him with embezzling over eighty millions dollars. An act, that marks it as one of the biggest white collar crimes to date. Schmidt and Grimaldi the authors of The Challenge of Democracy have deemed it “the biggest congressional corruption scandal in generations” (Schmidt and Grimaldi 2005, A01).…
The business scandal that occurred at Fannie Mae Chocolate Industry was when they manipulated accounting to collect millions of dollars in underserved bonuses and deceive investors. They were fined for 400 million dollars. Fannie Mae struggled to emerge from an $11 billion accounting scandal. The penalty that was given for them was the largest penalty ever in a accounting fraud case. The company also agreed to limit the growth of its multibillion-dollar mortgage holdings.…
contributions. They also eliminated dividends on preferred and common stock leaving the stock outstanding and continued payment on the debt instruments (Oesterle 2011). Finally in 2012, the U.S District Court dismissed the charges against the three Fannie Mae top officials ruling that there was no evidence to suggest that they intended to deceive anyone (Fiderer 2014). Effects and consequences According to Woiceshyn 2011, making an ethical or unethical decision is not a serious issue for anyone.…
Data breach has been rising in the United States and in other countries as well, leaving customers vulnerable to identity theft. Customers also can get their credit history damaged. Thousands of people are affected by this situation more frequently when they make their purchases online as well as in the stores when using credit cards. Since the use of credit cards is the most convenient way to pay for a purchase for customers, scammers take advantage of it to commit their frauds.…
The Social Security Act of 1935 was a response to Townsend’s complaints. The act was aimed at provided provisions for the for unemployables (disabled, dependent children, the disabled, blind), unemployment insurance, and old-age pensions. FDR was the first president in history to ever advocate government assistance to the elderly.…
In October of 2015, Experian North America, which is a global information services group that operates as a credit monitoring company, revealed that over 15 million social security numbers and other proprietary information had been exposed due to a two year security breach of their computer systems. The breach affected several millions of T-Mobile customers. T-Mobile’s CEO quickly responded with an open letter to their customers, informing them of what had happened, expressing his displeasure for the incident and his dedication to ensuring that this issue is rectified by offering credit monitoring for two years. As a leader, I would want to learn what can be done to anticipate and prevent incidents like this from happening in the future.…
The improved filters also helped stop $12 billion in fraudulent claims of identity theft in 2013” (Holtfreter, McLeod, and Harrington,…
Numerous laws were broken in the Enron scandal. The mail and wire fraud statutes of U.S. law criminalize the use of wires the enable a scheme to defraud or to obtain money by fraudulent means (Seitzinger, Morris, & Jickling, 2002). The honest-service statue, the law Skilling alleged broke that was then overturned, defines the fraud as a scheme to deprive another of the intangible right to honest service. Enron was subject to quite a few other laws that were broken. The company was supposed to disclose all information concerning federal securities to any public investor so that the public can make investment decisions.…
For the Ethical Violation Summary I chose to do Kenneth Lay - Enron. Kenneth joined enron gas company in 1985. If you don’t know enron is a gas company, and a service company based in houston, texas. He worked there for a year and was named chairman and chief officer of Enron. Lay worked there of about 16 years so about in 2001.…
Ian D Johnson Jb Henriksen Accounting 2600 11/1/17 Case Presentation: Enron Scandal Before the scandal that Enron is widely known for today, they were an up and coming American energy company led by CEO Kenneth Lay. In 1985, Lay helped to merge two natural gas companies known as Houston Natural gas and InterNorth to form Enron. Soon after, Congress approved legislation that deregulated the sale of natural gas, allowing companies to use the free market to sell energy. The company became a national middle man for the electricity for the newly deregulated states. This allowed Enron to sell energy at higher prices, increasing its revenue.…
I conclude that the overall results of the total data records breached means that if more than one organization has all our sensitive information such as our full names, social security numbers, date of birth, credit card numbers, and etc. then we are more likely have a higher risk of getting exposed more than once if the organization’s database is maliciously attacked. To continually increase awareness in data breach protection best practices will help Businesses and other organizations to lower the risk and minimize the impact of data breach in the future as technology continues…
Enron: The purpose is to examine how information asymmetry and opportunistic behavior of legal firms, executives and auditors and the incompetence of the owners ie. The principal to control it let to the catastrophic collapse of Enron. The implosion caused due to US in Enron had created massive havoc costing the economy a whopping $ 64 billion in 2002 with GDP declining by 0.67 % in the next two years and a major decline in investor confidence directing a 17% decline in share prices. The main motivation behind the fall of Enron have notable been stated as the individualistic greed that is sprouted in an environment of a bullish market. The greed can be quantified as digression in principal and agent interests, signaling the agency problem.…
Introduction - Historic Enron Financial Scandal The merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth produced Enron in 1985 which started off slowly specializing in the natural gas and then grew to start increasing its product range. Kenneth Lay founded Enron and became Enron’s Chairman and CEO. However, Enron management aggressively decided the need to grow faster, increase investor’s confidence, attract more investments and increase their credit rating. In order to achieve their vision, the company pushed for the change to the constitution and the legislature removed the law which relaxed regulations in the industry.…