It is also helpful to fully understand the terminology to make it easier to explain to a patient. Most patients, when hearing different medical terminology, have a hard time comprehending these terms if they do not work in healthcare. When healthcare professionals talk to the patients, they need to simplify the terms for typical patients to understand fully. After reading the pamphlet, there were some terms that I did not know or understand. If I can understand the medical terminology, I can assist patients in helping them understand them. I can break the term down into the most simplified manner so anyone can understand …show more content…
These terms eventually show up in other courses which makes it easier to understand. In some cases, I go back to my notes in medical communications for a clearer definition of a term that is discussed in another class. If I haven’t seen these terms in my courses now, I know down the road they will show up and will be very useful. For example, in my P2 year, I will be taking cardio. It is nice to have a small introduction of cardio through the presentation to give us a background on basics terms. These terms are also helpful in my work field. Working in a pharmacy, these terms will every once in awhile come up. It helps me explain it to the patient in a way any one could understand. With my knowledge on medical terminology and my lectures combined, it helps me talk to patients of all literacy levels in plain