Guido d’Arezzo was an Italian Benedictine Monk born in France in the century year of 995. Guido was not a composer during this time, instead he was a musical therapist and teacher. Although he was not a composer, Guido made the discovery of a new form of music notation after moving to Italy where he also worked for Bishop Theobald, despite the fact that he was a music therapist and teacher ("GUIDO D'AREZZO"). With his new discovery, this method made it possible for composers to record their music on paper. Beforehand, singers and composers had to remember their own melodies and chants by memory, causing major differences within the music as they passed the music down generations ("GUIDO D'AREZZO").…
Too Heavy a Load: Black Women in Defense of Themselves, 1894-1994. By Deborah Gray White (New York, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1999). 13-320pp. Reviewed By Michelle Campos, September 30, 2015.…
Sojourner attempts to create another emotional response in the audience by including the fact that she is a mother that has seen her children sold into slavery. This is when she paints her image of not only being a black woman, but also a mother. This creates that relatability aspect with her audience…
For over two centuries the African-Americans suffered under the ruling of white man, they served as slaves. In Ida B Wells, The Red Record Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynching in the United States, she recalls lynching statistics of black men and women, and tells the awful happenings of this time. During slavery these individuals where reduced to mere physical attributes since the white man owned their body and soul it made sure, they made sure to reduce them to only financial worth. The methods used to accomplish this were by inhumane treatment, severe punishment (such as whippings), and scourging.…
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a dystopian novel that takes the reader on a journey through a future world where books are illegal. The novel outlines the fact that books are important to civilization in many ways, whether it be content, characters, themes, or any important historical foundation that books contain. At the end of the book, the main character, Guy Montag, grabs a few books to save from the firemen, and finds himself amongst a group of homeless book lovers who each have books, or portions of books, memorized where they are safe from the hands of firemen and the government. With the idea of being in Montag’s place and having a choice of which books I would save, I would have chosen The Color Purple, The Wind in the Willows, and The Life of Pi, each for their own unique qualities that would be valuable for future civilizations for historical reference. Rich with gender and racial history, The Color Purple by Alice Walker exemplifies what life was like in the early 1900s for southern African American women.…
The American music would not be where it is today if it was not the contribution from the African Slaves who were being taken to the States and the Europeans who migrated from Europe. The American music is the product of mixture of different cultures and backgrounds. However, a lot of people do not know that African American influenced country, which is considered white music. For instance, Bailey was one of the first few black musicians who called themselves black hillbillies. Pecknold believes in his book, Hidden in the Mix: The African American Presence in Country Music, that “some have suggested that Bailey’s participation in the Grand Ole Opry demonstrated during hillbilly phase of the country music’s development black music and white music in the south were not separate”( Pecknold 147).…
There aren’t many places in today’s society open to speak are show anything in regards to religion except for the church in my opinion. It was exciting to see the religious pieces of artwork in the establishment giving the recognition of jazz, soul and blues to African Americans! If people do their research, they will find that music is everlasting and has come a long way in transformation from the beginning of time before it even had a name. Blues is a musical form that originated in African American communities "Deep South" of the United States during the 19th…
Sojourner Truth identifies of how women who were slaves were treated different than just some regular women. First, she states that the negroes of the south and the Northern women all they’re saying is things about the rights. Then she says that white men will be a in big problem.…
Benchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials The Christian worldview is a view that stands out compared to other views. It is the belief that God created everything, has control of everything, and wants to be in communion with mankind. This paper will be about the Christian worldview and how it relates to God and Jesus, humanity, and the dealings of this world. God…
Benchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials So far in this class we have learned about how God created the Heaven, Stars and the Earth and all of the animals that live on it. We have also learned about the first human beings, Adam and Eve, who didn’t abide by God’s rules and let him down. We also learned how God gave his only son Jesus to come and walk with us as a human. We learned how he died on the cross for us and arose again to forgive us of all of our sins and so that we can one day walk with him and God again and have eternal life.…
The antebellum time period was a difficult time in American history for women. White women and African American women faced multiple challenges and social stereotypes that bonded them together and divided them. These Social ideals followed them through marriage, the bearing of children, and the raising of children. Women in the South during the antebellum times were idolized for their importance in society. These views though, brought women together and divided them in a few ways.…
Through a shift in the United States Democracy in the 1800’s, the idea of slavery was transformed. Although the idea for freedom had always been a major focal point for all slaves, the actuality of making it legal was a new determination. For an African American woman like Sojourner Truth, a former slave, becoming an active participant in this fight for abolition was her life goal. As religious reform and anti-slavery feminism movements began in the 1840’s, so did Truth’s career as being one of the most influential African American women of the 19th century. Sojourner Truth vigorously affected the women’s rights and abolition movements through her affluent preachings while traveling and her bold stature as a self-made abolitionist/women’s activist,…
Ragtime was a synthesis of African syncopation and European classical music, while blues was a synthesis of African American work songs and European American folk songs and harmonic structure. Since many Europeans passed by sea ports for trades, they were frequently exposed by African Americans’ music cultures. Europeans combined rhythms and created new ones from the originating African music. Since both ragtime and blues arose from the African background, they similarly dealt with the problems of slavery and work environment. Although the two genres seem to have much in common, they are in fact vastly…
Funk music as an expression brought with it a newly packaged music that was capable of fully embracing both the performers’ and audiences energies. Funk emphasized dancing and how it further expressed implicit meanings not always explicitly understood through the lyrics. Funk music opened the door for a particular subculture, black youth, to take their form of dance expression and broadcast it across the United States through the culturally important program Soul Train. In particular, the importance of individual, creative dance broke the mold of many of the dancing trends in music that preceded it. This important aspect of musical expression transcended the era of funk and to this day dancing is still just as important in the world of music…
“With great power comes great responsibility” being the oldest of nine I have an abundance of both responsibility and expectations to uphold. One thing that was stressed was the importance of giving back to those that come after me. Over the last three years I have done many things that help those around and in my community. One of the most recent events was during the summer during “Gospel Music Workshop of America”. The next event occurred after that was also in the summer in Brooklyn.…