To Kill A Mockingbird Attitudes

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee there is a conflict that shows the attitude of the characters. This conflict is the conflict between white and black people. The attitude of the characters that are shown through this conflict are Bob Ewell, Tom Robinson and The Jury. Each of these character’s attitudes remind me of something I can link to the outer world. Bob Ewell reminds me of Hitler, Tom reminds me of a child from a short story and the jury remind me of the history of black civil rights.
The first attitude of a character demonstrated by the conflict between black and white is Bob Ewell. The conflict between black and white helps us as the readers to understand Ewell’s attitude. Bob Ewell is considered low class in the town of Maycomb, he is still better than any black man. He believes anyone that is lower than him in class is therefore someone he can treat wrongly. An example of this in the novel is when he sees Tom Robinson, a Negro man, helping his daughter Mayella. Bob calls the sheriff and informs him that he seen Tom raping Mayella, because of this false statement Tom was taken to court. The way Bob Ewell thinks about and treats blacks, personally reminds me of Hitler and his views and actions towards Jews. Hitler was a man whom believed that the Jews were lower than him and shouldn’t be a part of the German ‘superior’ race. Hitler thought that communism was a threat to Germany and that the Jewish invention were communists. Also that Jewish was a race not a religion and therefore in Germany they should be Jewish Germans not German Jews. Because of Hitler’s views on Jews he thought that he was able to treat them wrongly and kill off their race by sending them to concentration camps. The second attitude of a character that has been illustrated by the conflict of black vs white in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is Tom Robinson.
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Tom is a black man whom was accused of raping a white woman. Tom’s attitude towards whites is kind, he is kind to them even though they are the ones that have treated his past family like slaves and like nothing. But most of all they are the ones that accused him of a crime he did not commit. Tom may not like the white Americans inside but that dislike or hate does not show through, he keeps a calm facade. An example of his attitude from the novel is during his trial, although out his trials Tom did not once speak badly towards anyone white or black He uses proper language. (Find Quotes) He was kind towards the colour that have caused hard times and pain to his family. Tom’s attitude is one I can personally relate to the child in the short story ‘Night’. This child is abused and is constantly conflicting within whether to leave or to stay. He up until the end, he always stayed and continued to show love and kindness towards his father. The father that came home every night and abused him and the father who never showed any type of emotion except for hate towards him. These two characters are both similar in the fact that they both show kindness to the ones that are constantly hurting them both emotionally and

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