Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy Persuasive Essay

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Everyone knows bringing a child into this world is difficult, tiring and stressful but it is also the greatest joy a person could ever know. However most parents-to-be don’t believe it when other parents tell them to sleep while they can. All the advice you hear while you’re expecting you start to ignore and dismiss, because your either too excited or you don’t think it will be bad for you. Being a mother of a six month old, I was guilty of this myself. The first thing anyone tells you when you announce you’re expecting is to hurry up and sleep. And while some take it to heart, others are busy getting everything together for your new addition to the family. Many people, like me, brush it off too excited to meet their little one. However many …show more content…
Research shows that it’s not lack of sleep that causes mothers to be overly tired, rather the disturbance of sleep brought on by caring for infants throughout the night. Many mothers will get seven hours of sleep but not undisturbed. Infants can wake up many times during the night, for many months, or not sleep at all during the night. Eventually most will start sleeping through the night but it depends on the individual. The mothers may be disturbed during their REM cycle, when they are sleeping the hardest, waking with a feeling of lethargy. Disturbance to REM sleep causes the most damage because this is when you are in the deepest part of sleep. An infant does not wait till you are not in REM sleep to wake up to eat. I believe this is the reason that most mothers are still tired months after giving birth. As long as their REM sleep is getting constantly interrupted, they will still be tired. The researchers at OUT believe that if you are tired constantly some of your functions will start failing. Functions such as the ability to concentrate and complete certain tasks. In turn they are afraid that 18 weeks may not be enough, and willing to find out if mothers need a longer rest in-between giving birth and returning to work. Since being …show more content…
This is relatively low for a study. For more accurate results, more individual should be studied. Also different environments, races, and ages should be studied for more accurate, conclusive results. Thirty-three people are a very small amount, to encompass what happens to millions of people. Hundreds, even thousands of mothers-to-be should participate. Then a more accurate conclusion can be drawn. Different backgrounds and a variety of races and ages should be involved as well as working mothers and stay at home mothers. Also first time moms and second time moms should be included. Another thing to include in the trials are mothers that gave natural births, cesarean, and those who used epidurals and other medications. The one bad thing about this article was the lack of diversity in the study and how small the study was. It did have some interesting ideas, which were quite

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