Deontology is also known as duty-based ethics. Immanuel Kant introduced an idea of Deontology to the society. …show more content…
Kant argues that duty is based solely on reason (Kant,81). Kant believes that the act of lying, murdering, robbery are the wrong action and we have a duty not to do these things. According to Kant, consequences are not what makes an act right, but the right action makes the act right. Also, our good motives or intentions will lead us to the good path without qualification. The Categorical Imperative is the supreme principle of morality. Kant said that the categorical imperative is an imperative that requires a person to never perform an act unless he or she can will that maxim or principle that motives actions could become a universal law (Kant, 81). Kant believes that human should be treated as ends never as a means. There are two types of Deontology - act deontology and rule deontology. Act Deontology is when no ethical rules to be followed when making an ethical decision. Rule Deontology is when there are rules to be followed while making the ethical decisions. Just like a coin Deontology has two sides- advantageous side and disadvantageous side. The benefit with Deontology is that it supports an action and intention to determine the moral worth of an action. The problem with Deontology is that it does not produce happiness as it does in Utilitarianism. Also, Deontology is about laws and rules made by society for our actions. Often, poor people steal food or money to meet the demands of their family. In this situation, Kant would judge the act through an idea of Deontology. This action would produce happiness among family members, but Kant believes this action is wrong. Follower of Deontology believes in action rather than the consequences. Therefore, an act of stealing would be morally wrong. I believe principles are more important than the consequences. Likewise, we have done the right thing if we have genuine intentions. John Stuart Mill introduced an idea of Utilitarianism to the society. Utilitarianism is based on consequentialism, the moral worth of an action based on consequences. Mill believes in the greatest good principle (Mill,90). Right action produces the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number of people affected by an action. According to Mill, actions are right if they produce the greatest happiness and prevent pain. There are two types of Utilitarianism: act Utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. Act Utilitarianism is choosing an individual’s action that will maximize happiness whereas, Rule Utilitarianism is acting according to rules when making ethical decisions. Utilitarianism produces happiness, but the problem with Utilitarianism is that minority group has to sacrifice for larger group’s happiness, which is not morally right. This sacrifice may be the sacrifice of one’s own life. As I said, some poor people steal food or money to meet needs of their family members. Followers of Utilitarianism theory would say this act is morally right based on consequences. This act reduces pain and produce happiness, which supports an idea of Mill’s theory. Some people support an idea of Utilitarianism while others disagree with its idea. The benefit with Utilitarianism is that it produces happiness for the larger number of people. Some people disagree with this idea because minority’s group has to sacrifice to produce happiness and does not provide justice Utilitarianism and Deontology are moral theories that can be implemented for making the moral decision. Kant believes in an action or motive, whereas, Mill believes in consequences. Doctor always wishes to have a donor with healthy organs for other patients, which can save a large number of people’s lives. In this situation, Mill would agree with this idea because it produces happiness for a larger