Kate Chopin is an American author that wrote many short stories one of them is “Désirée’s Baby.” Her real name is Katherine O’ Flaherty, she was born on February 8, 1850 and passed away in August 22, 1904. “Désirée’s Baby” is a short story that it is about how Désirée was abandoned when she was a baby. As she grew up, she fell in love with Armand, and she ended up marrying him. They had a baby together, and when the baby was born, Armand noticed that the baby was a darker skin tone. Armand thought that the baby got the color from Désirée but he did not know that the color was from him until he found a letter from his mom telling him. This is where uncertain identity comes in play. Uncertain identity theory was developed …show more content…
Identity can be considered as race, religion, social class and ethnicity. By knowing which identity the person fits can help someone feel more comfortable with who is around them, and who they really are. Identity does not have to be where someone is from or what social class they are a part of. Identity can be represented by something simple, like the music they listen to for example. Not everybody listens to the same music. Some listen to rock, country, classic, pop and many more styles of music. Any person can show their identity by showing the type of music they listen to. Another way someone can show their identity is by the way they dress or look. By dressing in many different ways everybody can be identified differently how they are by seeing how they dress. If someone dresses really fancily they can be identified as a person that likes to be organized or could be someone really important. Everybody has their own way of dressing; they can dress differently from the people they are surrounded by, also with the people that they hang out with they could be dressed the same. Identity is not just who the person is or where they are from. Identity can be considered more than just that. Identity is how the person is from the inside and how they are and what they like to do. A person’s identity is not going to be basically about where there parents are from or who they are. Their identity is how …show more content…
For example, how Désirée and Armand did not know their real identity caused them to loose the person they loved. Armand blame Désirée for not being white, but truly he did not know her real identity. Désirée suicide herself and the baby because she thought it was her fault that she had black as her identity. After all Armand did not see her the same for having black as her identity. But Armand was the person that had black as their identity. It was late after he found out that it was his fault that their baby came out black. The reason why it was his fault was because his mother belong to the race that is color. In their time period being color was important to them. They treated them differently from the whites, they did not have the same rights as the whites did. Now in days being color is not really important how it was back in the time period of Désirée and Armand was. Being black an white does not matter a lot in this time period, there is still some racist going around but not as much during their time period. By being uncertain about your identity can cause someone to have a tragic death. As shown in the story “Désirée’s baby” it made Armand realize that if he knew his real identity also if he knew Désirée’s real identity there would Of not been a tragic death for the person who he loved. Désirée was abandoned when she was a baby. She did not know her identity at all, she grow up