Theme Of Control In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Controlling another's actions may be wrong but all in all you can get what you want by doing it. Control is a reoccurring topic in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. In A Midsummer Night's Dream the two character’s Demetrius and Oberon both use their ability to control others and are even controlled by each other. Oberon is the king of the fairy world, he puts a spell on his wife, Titania. The spell will make her fall in love with the first thing she sees when she wakes up, he hopes she will see some kind of animal. He does this to distract her because he thinks she is unloyal to him. Demetrius is a young man whom is in love with his best friend, Lysander’s, future wife, Hermia. However Helena, another young woman is in love …show more content…
When Oberon and Titania get in an argument, Oberon accuses her of still being in love Theseus. He decides to put the spell on her. He says, “Fetch me that flower...the juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid, will make a man or woman madly dote upon the next living creature it sees… be it a lion, bear or wolf”(2.1). This whole situation gives Oberon control and authority over Titania. Demetrius is in love with Hermia whom is Helena’s best friend. Helena however loves Demetrius. She declares, “Use me as your spaniel; spurn me, strike me, neglect me, love me… unworthy as I am to follow you”(2.1). Helena gives Demetrius complete authority over herself. She even states he can abuse her, if that's what it takes for him to love her. Both Oberon and Demetrius are given authority over another because of …show more content…
This is supported by the negative consequences he shows from trying to controlling others. Once Lysander and Demetrius are under the spell and in love with Helena, it causes turmoil between Helena and Hermia. “You juggler, you canker blossom, you thief of love” (3.1). This shows that because Oberon tries to control the actions of the athenian lovers, there are bad consequences. From the beginning the Athenian lovers have been portrayed as silly and foolish. Even with the interference of Puck they are still shown to be this way. Puck says, “Lord, what fools these mortals be!” (3.2). This shows that controlling another's actions doesn’t always work. However if you analyze this play deeply you will see that Shakespeare does show that you can control others. He shows this by showing its advantageous and the authority it gives. No matter what the other side says it is still proven that it is possible to control another’s

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