A Knight’s Tale is a hero’s journey first of all. I think that the movie is a really good example of the genre of hero’s journey. So what is a hero’s journey? A hero’s journey is a type of genre that tells the rising of the hero, which is normally the main character. There are 12 stages, but I am only going to elaborate on the main stages.
The very start of a hero’s journey would be “the ordinary world”. “The ordinary world” is where …show more content…
When the hero is in the ordinary world, he is usually an ordinary person with nothing very special. This anchors the Hero as a human, just like you and me, and makes it easier for us to identify with him and hence later, empathize with his plight. In the movie, the main character William Thatcher is a servant of a knight in the beginning with his two friends, Roland and Wat. Then, he found himself face to face with the most important stage of his journey, which is “Call to Adventure”. The hero is normally not willing to respond to the call, he is afraid and doubts the challenge is worthy to accept or not. Just like other heroes, William is not so keen on pretending to be his master, a knight, at the start when his master died. He afraid that he will be exposed and hanged. But he has no choice, he chose to accept the quest and begin his journey as a knight. That is when he “Crossed the threshold” and ready to face the challenge. The obstacles are thrown across his path; whether they be physical hurdles or people bent on thwarting his progress, the Hero must …show more content…
A sports film is a film genre that uses sport as the theme of a film. A classic theme for sports films is the triumph of an individual or team who prevail despite the difficulties. The sport that the film is talking about is obviously jousting. Jousting is not like any sport we can see or play today. Jousting is a sport that is only played during the medieval times. This jousting game is game for knights only. The purpose of the game is to see which knight is the strongest knight. Well, the reason I say the film is a sports film is because of its plot. The stages of the film is very similar compared to the stages of sport. William is rising in the rank and promote to the world championship in London. The theme of the film is like the theme for a sporting movie. The theme of the film is William’s triumph after him prevail the difficulties and become the