As the term indicates, population health is a group of patients that are have similar traits, like same disease, healthcare provider, or lives within a specific region, in which a health care provider or organization focuses on improving the group outcomes while reducing costs (Roux, 2016). Population health differs from public health by focusing on the “broader view of the drivers of health” instead of the personal service of health that is incorporated with societal factors (Roux, 2016, p. 619).The goal of population health is to utilize strategies to improve health for specific groups without concentrating on the inequities of health drivers (Roux, 2016). The main focus of population health is improving the health outcomes within the entire patient population, while maximizing the essential resources to treat the group effectively and maintaining overall …show more content…
Economic conditions, including food and lifestyle, have a direct impact on access to healthcare, life expectancy, chronic illnesses, and overall health (Carmignani, Shankar, Tan, & Tang, 2014). Education and social impacts also has an impact on individuals having better knowledge of health information and health-related decisions (Carmignani et al., 2014). Healthcare organizations and providers should be aware of the dynamics of the populations that they serve with the purpose of developing services that will best serve their community and to provide amenities that impact the health of the population the