“Father” said the child, “Has the world always been like this? The man pondered for a moment and thought about what the world had become “Son, we have become a generation so concerned with pleasing ourselves, that we have forgotten to please God”. There are multitudes of problems that arise in today’s society as the world becomes more modern, exchanging traditional values for those that are secular and shifting their reliance from God to themselves. These values are indisputably pervasive as they intertwine themselves with media, law, and for some their innermost values and what they believe is good and just. Gaining an understanding of how these values are found in the world and understanding how certain …show more content…
Assisted suicide inflicts death upon vulnerable lives, such as the elderly members of our families. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a powerful tool that allows judges to strike down laws that infringe upon our rights. It is this part of the constitution that a person used this year to claim that assisted suicide went against their right to “security of the person” under section 7 of the Charter and they won, striking down the law against assisted suicide (Stone). Henceforth, this political approach to attacking the sanctity of life in the family allows others to neglect their moral obligation to help one another through life in difficult times until natural death. Thus assisted suicide slyly assaults the family by disguising itself as a merciful act done to aid another in relieving themselves of pain instead of embracing the fact that loving one another includes supporting and being there for them in difficult …show more content…
Through the inspirational words of Pope Francis, one can see that to prevent the destruction of the family we must make sure that all of its members have a strong faith and share it with its younger generations. This ensures that Christian morals and values such as empathy, love, and patience (which are necessary virtues for a family to encompass) will transcend time and strengthen the family for generations. Essential to preventing the destruction of the family is to have good role- models.
Often times, parents are the most influential members of the family and so they must hold themselves to a high standard of moral conduct to set an example for their children. When this is not the case and parents are engaging in negative behavior such as abusing substances and partaking in illegal activity, children adopt this behavior, which creates a chaotic and destructive environment for all members of the family. So in short, to make sure the family is not destroyed, its members need a strong foundation of faith and its heads must set a good example for other members of the family to