While Kilpatrick does refer to religion, saying that the “worldly order was thought to reflect a natural order or a heavenly one”(151), he does not mention the Bible. The Bible is inspired by God and is the source for sacred authority (2 Timothy 3:16). Kilpatrick is correct in stating that the secular needs the sacred, but he doesn’t explain where the sacred order comes from. Without a concrete law, society cannot follow the sacred order. For believers , Kilpatrick’s lack of acknowledgement of the Bible’s authority is disturbing
While Kilpatrick does refer to religion, saying that the “worldly order was thought to reflect a natural order or a heavenly one”(151), he does not mention the Bible. The Bible is inspired by God and is the source for sacred authority (2 Timothy 3:16). Kilpatrick is correct in stating that the secular needs the sacred, but he doesn’t explain where the sacred order comes from. Without a concrete law, society cannot follow the sacred order. For believers , Kilpatrick’s lack of acknowledgement of the Bible’s authority is disturbing