!!!Introduction to the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
Nuclear apocalypses are a Hollywood favorite, but how close has the United States actually come to a severe nuclear disaster? In 1979, we came pretty close with the __Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident__. The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident involved the partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor inside a Pennsylvania nuclear power plant. …show more content…
The area around Three Mile Island was evacuated, and a state of emergency was declared. Eventually, authorities were able to restore cooling to the reactor, but also had to enact controversial rescue procedures that included releasing radioactive steam into the open air, and pumping nuclear waste water into the local water …show more content…
The United States still leads the world in the number of nuclear power plants constructed, with one hundred plants in operation. Other countries rely much more heavily on nuclear power. For instance, France gets about 77 percent of its energy from nuclear power. Japan, another country with a high percentage of nuclear power production, recently experienced the Fukushima power plant meltdown after a 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Fukushima reminded us that nuclear power still poses significant risks, even with increased regulation and safety around the