Did you know that Three mile island is currently donating more than $300,000 annually to the fire department, library and other agencies!! Do you know how much we benefit from that? With these donations we are able to provide new books,fire equipment,computers, other electronics, and so much more!! If you were to take TMI away we wouldn't be able to have these things. …show more content…
There are so many people that depend on having this job to support their families, pay their bills and any other expense. TMI also includes health insurance for people on the job which really comes in handy if they are in need of medical attention.
By having TMI produce our energy we have Lower carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, and we have cleaner energy!! Cleaner environments will help the animals habitats, the air we breathe, it also helps save the earth for more generations to come.
In conclusion, i agree with the people to not shut down Three Mile Island. We have more benefits than disadvantages. Therefore if you decide to shut TMi down us as a community will go downhill, we will have a hard time adjusting to the change, the building will still be there for many years until you figure out something to do with it, so why not just spare all the drama and time it would take to shut it down and let us be the way we are used