The Colbert Report goes over many of the global issues that occur. Recently, Scottish independence has become a global issue, and The Colbert Report covered both sides of the issue which lead many viewers to go on social media to support Scotland in its independence. The Colbert Report also discussed the president’s speech on ISIS, and this sparked a conversation on Colbert’s Twitter page. In addition, The Colbert Report even talked about the new royal baby that’s on the way. Aside from global issues The Colbert Report also covers national issues. For example, the Ferguson incident was covered in multiple episodes on the show, and leads viewers to pick sides and support the side they believed was correct. Colbert also covered the Miss America contest, and all the ridiculous things that happened at the contest. The Colbert Report informs its viewers about countless political issues. Colbert goes over issues like the midterms and which party has the most votes. As well as, when political candidates announce that they are going to run for office, Colbert often invites political figures to talk about the current political issues such as the midterms, and viewers often go on social media to share their political ideals or opinions about the current issues. In fact, Stephen Colbert even testified in congress about immigration. The Colbert Report informs its viewers in a way that impacts them like no …show more content…
The Colbert Report makes fun of other news shows as a way of entertaining viewers. For example, Fox News is a show that The Colbert Report jokes about numerous times. Stephen Colbert shows clips of Fox News contradicting itself, and viewers laugh and post the jokes on social media. CNN and MSNBC are another pair of victims that are ridiculed on The Colbert Report. Colbert often makes fun of how CNN and MSNBC get the news wrong or report completely fake news. Stephen Colbert also tends to act hysterically on the show. He does stunts like throwing paper in the air. He also invites celebrities on to the show to act out bits for the viewers to enjoy. Recently he did a bit with the actor that plays Frank Underwood on House of Cards, and Colbert and Underwood both did a bit where they played their characters which resulted in an extremely hilarious conversation. Colbert also wears funny attire on the show that compliments the topics he will go over. The Colbert Report invites famous people on to the show to have conversation with Colbert on relevant topics, and some famous people include Jason Segel, Henry Kissinger, and Bill Gates. Most of the celebrities come on the show to introduce new books and talk about different charities, and viewers love to come to the show and see their favorite celebrities in person. To conclude, The Colbert Report dose a fantastic job entertaining its