In “The Satisfactions of Housewifery and Motherhood” and “Paradise Lost”, Hekkers using herself as evidence to support her own claims. Although she does occasionally uses statistics to support her statements like “16 percent of American families…”, her primary source of herself, makes her writing seem very biased and one-sided. This way of writing diminishes her credibility as a writer. In the same way Edelman uses her home life as the only evidence in her article and neglects to relate to other outside sources. Nevertheless, their common styles of writing allow the the readers to be more drawn into their stories, using very emotional language. On more than one occasion Edelman cusses throughout her article and Hekkers states the opposition was “incredibly ignorant that they died never suspecting they’d be
In “The Satisfactions of Housewifery and Motherhood” and “Paradise Lost”, Hekkers using herself as evidence to support her own claims. Although she does occasionally uses statistics to support her statements like “16 percent of American families…”, her primary source of herself, makes her writing seem very biased and one-sided. This way of writing diminishes her credibility as a writer. In the same way Edelman uses her home life as the only evidence in her article and neglects to relate to other outside sources. Nevertheless, their common styles of writing allow the the readers to be more drawn into their stories, using very emotional language. On more than one occasion Edelman cusses throughout her article and Hekkers states the opposition was “incredibly ignorant that they died never suspecting they’d be