What I reflect on about Salvation Army stores (Thrift Shops) is that these stores (worldwide) are fully operated by The Salvation Army, the proceeds go directly into the charitable work. In fact, every dollar generated by the Family Thrift Stores are used to fund all Adult Rehabilitation Centers. These centers help over 60,000 people work through various life issues each year, ultimately working to assist them in rejoining their communities as productive members. Additionally, the stores provide thousands of employment opportunities for the general public and work therapy opportunities for people in rehabilitation to learn valuable vocational …show more content…
Newman got the inspiration for this book in a Harlem traffic jam. Crawling crosstown in the back of a cab, she stared out at one of the country's most famous pockets of poverty and saw throngs of people heading to work, just as in any blue-collar neighborhoods. As it happened, Newman, an anthropologist now at Harvard, was on her way to a conference on the poor; the jobless, welfare-dependent poor who dominate public discussion. ''What do we know about the others, the hard-working people of communities like Harlem struggling to get to work?'' she wondered. ''Not