The Russian Revolution: A Major Turning Point In Russian History

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The Russian Revolution was a major turning point in Russian history. Destructive, dangerous, harsh, and cruel are words that characterize the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution caused major political changes in Russia. The Russian Revolution had many negative outcomes, but it also had some positive outcomes. The Russian Revolution was a failure because there was a loss of many freedoms such as press, speech, and equality. Joseph Stalin also reduced the rights of many Russians. Many Russians also lost their lives under the rule of Joseph Stalin. In order to determine whether the Russian Revolution was a success or failure it is important that we consider numerous aspects. Based on the five texts provided Animal Farm (Chapters IX-X), by George Orwell, an excerpt from “Education, Literacy, and the Russian Revolution” by Megan Behrent, “Stalin and the Communist Party …show more content…
The Russian Revolution was a failure because there was many economic issues and a change of government. Stalin also murdered millions of Russians with the help of his secret police. Many Russians starved to death and lost their rights. In conclusion this proves that the Russian Revolution was a failure because many of the Russians were mistreated by Stalin instead of being taken cared of. One of the main reasons why the Russian Revolution was a failure was because the loss of speech, press, and rights the Russian citizens suffered through. Under the rule of Stalin his citizens were not able to speak their mind if it involved his rules or beliefs. The people of Russia had to read what the government allowed, see what the government allowed and listen to what the government allowed. The government had total control over what the citizens of Russia were able to follow. Stalin uses censorship to suppress images, words, or ideas that may be considered harmful or offensive to his ideas. In Animal Farm, propaganda was frequently used by the main pigs Napoleon, Squealer and Snowball to

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