Russian Revolution Dbq

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Russian Revolution succeeded their chant more than the French Revolution
Diego De La Cruz

Towards the end of the 1700’s there was a revolution that started all revolutions. The American revolution showed many people that anyone can win a revolution and this revolution started many revolutions in the future. The French revolution another example of corrupt government that was to be overthrew by the people. The same goes for the Russian Revolution where Nicholas II had many events that made the people of Russia not trust Nicholas II and the ideals of an absolute monarchy anymore. This lead to many different ideas of how a government should be ran by the people of Russia. The Russian Revolution, to many believe, was one of the most successful
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The Russian population gave up on the ideals of a tzar or an absolute monarchy. They felt that the people in Russia got no say in the government and the government is only by the tzar for the tzar. Many of the Russian people were looking for different governments and many thought that communism was the best choice of government for Russia. To understand why the rise of communism was helped lead the Russian’s chant of “Peace, Bread, and Land” we have to look at Russia before revolution. From the source written by the Russian Conservative, who were a bunch of members from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dumas, stated in their journal “The Months Before the Russian Revolution” “The war failures, the tension which is getting too much of us, the general exhaustion, which is plainly developing into a refusal to go with the war.” This helps support not how life was like in Russia before the Revolution, but it helps with the peace part of the chant since that’s what the Russians wanted the goal to be. They’ve been in 3 wars in the past 15 years and is still was in WW1 in 1915 when this was written. The …show more content…
That was before the revolutionaries succeeded in the revolution under the rule of Maximilien Robespierre. Robespierre was, to many, a cruel ruler, and he is the one that caused the Reign of Terror for the French people. Robespierre was basing off of the idea that, in short, “A monarchy, and any thoughts of keeping a monarchy for France, should be eradicated” This led to Robespierre, the first leader of the new democratic France, to kill any believer of a monarchy based off rumors that people claims on neighbors. This doesn’t show Liberty since the government was in people’s businesses and the people aren’t free from oppression and kept safe if the government is running into people’s houses and taking everyone that oppresses the government. The people of France has no freedom which Liberty is about freedom. It’s also not equality to all since the 1st and 2nd estates were the ones that was mostly targeted for wanting the monarchy and this lead to Robespierre killing off a large portion of those estates. This also doesn’t show fraternity since the groups were all separated from each other. The Reign of Terror and Robespierre, who was the leader of France after the revolution using that

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