The Importance Of Relationships In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare ventures upon love’s transfixing abilities. Two adolescents, Romeo and Juliet, who descend from feuding families, enamor one another, yet their relationship never seems to progress favorably. Both protagonists’ contravene against their family’s notion of appropriate life partners. Due to an adverse effect after a brawl, Romeo is banished, leaving his love distraught and bewildered. Juliet, in a state of melancholy, concludes she must forge her own death in order to be with her husband. As she imitates her demise, Romeo knew of no such plan, leading to his sorrowful suicide. Upon awakening, Juliet views Romeo’s corpse, she seizes his dagger, and ends her life. Though the protagonists perish calamitously, …show more content…
The woman with whom Romeo originally found himself besotted with, Rosaline, possesses no amorous emotions towards him. As his cousin advises him to relinquish his unrequited love and seek a new interest, Romeo agrees to attend the Capulet ball. He plans to negatively contrast all women with the one person he finds most alluring, Rosaline. However, as the ball commences, one woman, Juliet, immediately mesmerizes Romeo with her aesthetic appearance. He incessantly glances at her, and as the two stare into one another’s eyes, Romeo omits all thoughts of Rosaline. They slowly approach each other, his eyes fix on hers, her lips press against his, and Romeo ponders, “As yonder lady o’er her fellows shows/ The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand and touching hers, make blessed my rude hand/ Did my heart love till now?/ Forswear it, sight, for I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (747). Romeo’s quotation in the fifth scene of act one discusses the breathtaking sight Juliet enchants upon him. A night intended for censure and overall negativity becomes the commencement of a vehement relationship. Romeo fathoms an emotion he has never been capable of enduring due to an unpredictable situation unveiling gaily. In the article, “Harry Levin and Spontaneity in the Shakespeare’s Language of Love,” Harry Levin analyzes Romeo’s loss of interest in Rosaline immediately following his encounter …show more content…
From examining Deats’s and Levin’s essays, Shakespeare utilizes the various weaknesses the protagonist’s possess when loves transfixion overcomes them. In Shakespeare’s text, sincere emotions strictly conclude in chaos. From Tybalt’s death to Romeo’s, all losses of life are outcomes of passion mesmerizing people into acting irrationally. While some trifling situations could be resolved reasonably, this tragedy left no conflicts indisputable. In the real world, due to mother’s unconditional love for their children, they are willing to commit any actions varying in absurdity all for their loved one’s well-being, similar to Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare’s text proposes individuals take upon menacing uncertainties due to love concealing reasonable

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