However, the question does arise of whether or not when he passed away if social media had a negative impact on his death or if social media was a way to try and celebrate his life. Like any other news, social media is now the fastest way to communicate messages, especially to the younger generations. The reason this question of whether or not social media portrayed a positive or negative impact in regards to Robin Williams’s death is because according to NBC News, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline attended to more calls than usual following his death. Lisa Furst of the Geriatric Mental Health Alliance of New York confirmed that this increase was due to Robin Williams’s death (The Robin Williams Effect: Could Suicides Follow Star’s Death”). For those people that do not know, Robin Williams took his own life by hanging himself, which is why the suicide prevention lifeline attended to many more calls than …show more content…
I strongly believe that the media continuously announcing and reminding the viewers that he committed suicide and took his own life, was the number one reason as to why the lifeline received so many calls. It is very easy for people to think that if a famous person, who lives a successful life doing what they love, has a lot of money and has so many people they interact with on a daily basis cannot get through their problems then how are they going to as a normal, average person living in this world. It is also important to note the amount of people that look up to famous people and for this matter we are going to talk about Robin Williams. Robin Williams had more fans and he impacted more lives than he could have ever imagined while he was alive, which is a huge reason as to why his death impacted society in such an emotional, surreal way. However, with that being said, his death left many people with unanswered questions and the question of whether or not they have the ability to keep dealing with their