This would have been funny if Menendez’s men hadn’t snatched her up outside the clubhouse thinking she was me. Really! I’m appalled at the thought.
When they realized they had the wrong woman they barely slowed down and dumped her on the side of the road. She’ll live but she has sore ribs and some nasty bruises, so I’m told.
We’re thirty minutes from the compound when Kane pulls out his phone and makes a call.
“Vik, yeah, we’ll be there in thirty. Gather …show more content…
You’re not leaving my side, end of discussion.” The badass is out in full force.
End of discussion! That’s hilarious. I would have laughed if he hadn’t hit a particularly large pothole and I almost peed my pants. I spend the rest of the ride in silence and think about selling my soul for a Depends undergarment.
We pull up to the clubhouse and the truck is barely in park when I jump out and run into the building down the hall to Kane’s room then into his on-suite slamming the door behind me. I sit on the toilet with my eyes rolling into the back of my head when I hear the door open and Kane walk …show more content…
Shit, what is it with men and not knocking?
“Babe, what the hell?” My thought exactly.
“Get out Kane, can’t you see I need a minute? Move! Out! Now!”
I’m mortified and he’s laughing. Nothing about this is funny.
“You telling me there’s a problem with me standing here while you pee?” I think he’s enjoying my humiliation far too much. Instead of leaving he leans back against the wall looking damn amused. I throw my hands over my face and try to summon my happy place. It’s not working.
“Alessandra, have to say, life with you is a lot of things but dull ain’t one of them.” I’m sure I’m bright red when I look over and find him shaking his head with a big grin on his face before turning and walking out.
Everyone has a few idiosyncrasies. The need for complete privacy in the bathroom is one of mine. A big ass deadbolt for the door is going on my to-do list.
Kane’s waiting for me when I reemerge and he’s looking a little apprehensive. “Follow me.” He takes my hand and leads me down the hallway at a fast pace stopping when we get to the closed door of the conference room.
“Brothers want to see you before we get started. Not sure why. I’m not officially back as president and they shut me out. You good with