The Relationship Between Roderigo And Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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Shakespeare’s play, Othello, revolves around Iago’s villainous machinations and his capability of manipulating every character he comes across. In Bhardwaj’s adaptation, he deviates from the original text of Othello, with what could be considered a role reversal of Roderigo and Iago. Bhardwaj manipulates the relationship between Rajju and Langda in order to show Langda’s transition into the need for revenge instead of Langda entering the play with already having a deep hatred for Omi. In Act 1 scene 1, Shakespeare introduces Roderigo and Iago to the audience with an immediate discussion for Iago’s hatred of the “Moor.” Roderigo, on the other hand, has been rejected as Desdemona’s suitor on many occasions only to find out the “Moor” has stolen her. By introducing Iago’s seething hatred of Othello to Roderigo, Shakespeare immediately forms an antibiosis relationship—one where Iago benefits—between the two characters. Roderigo is willing and eagerly inclined to find an unbalanced camaraderie with Iago, as Iago manipulates him throughout the play. The pinnacle of their conversation revolves around Othello electing another man, …show more content…
Iago sees Roderigo’s fervent need for action and is quick to incorporate him into his schemes. Not only does he convince Roderigo to give him money, “I could never / Better stead thee than now. Put money in thy purse,” (1.3.381-382), but that Roderigo needs to “seduce” Desdemona,”If thou canst cuckold him, thou dost / Thyself a pleasure, me a sport.” (1.3.411-412) And as the play continues, he persuades Roderigo to kill Cassio. “Let us be conjunctive in our revenge / Against him,” (1.3.315-316), Iago states and then continues later, “Seek though rather to be hanged in / Compassing thy joy than to be drowned and go / Without her,” (1.3.315-316). Iago has thus set forth a task for Roderigo should he wish to be with

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