Othello Quotes Iago's Greed

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Iago’s Greed Throughout the play Othello, readers witness Iago’s betrayal that leads everyone to their downfall. Iago exploits everyone’s weaknesses and in turn this reveals his own weakness, greed. Iago’s weakness drives the play because Iago cannot get enough revenge to satisfy his greed and eventually loses sight of when to stop. Iago constantly asks for money, he is full of jealousy that seems to never be avenged, and he continues to deceive the other characters even after his motivations have been surpassed. Iago fulfills his beginning motivation to make things right; however, his greed is what prevents him from stopping the chaos he creates and this leads to the other character and his ultimate demise. Iago’s greed for wealth is visible …show more content…
Iago only convinces Roderigo to live because if Roderigo dies Iago loses all his money. Iago has no regard for Roderigo’s life just as he later shows when convincing some to murder others. While Iago is giving his inspiring speech to Roderigo to keep him alive, Iago is giving Roderigo subliminal messages of money being the key to winning Desdemona’s heart even though the riches will be in Iago’s possession. Iago uses Roderigo’s money for personal uses and this helps build Iago’s greed and makes him think he can manipulate many more and this is why he continues on to manipulate Cassio, Emilia, and even the noble and mighty Othello. While Iago is greedy in sense of wealth, he also wants what others have, making his greed go with his …show more content…
In Kenneth Gross’ article “Slander and Skepticism in Othello” Gross discusses the use of deceit and lies throughout the play. Iago is one of the main topics discussed in this article and is even stated to be “committed” to the “suspicions” he makes the other characters think but without “hidden meanings” or using “double entendres” (Gross 824). This observation shows Iago’s inability to stop his deceits because he is so dedicated and invested in his meddling. The observation also points out that Iago uses opportunities instead of twisting a story. Iago relies on the other characters to have his deceits come together and because the other characters are so gullible and naïve Iago gets wrapped in his fun and forgets that he needs to stop. Gross goes on to continue to note, “Iago’s aggressive babble manages to poison Othello’s mind…” (824). Through the entire play, Iago talks to Othello about Desdemona’s infidelity and does it with “aggressive babble” (Gross 824) causing Othello to believe faster than he normally would have if it was a one and done suggestion. Since Iago is so aggressive, he shows signs of inability to stop. Iago becomes so involved he has to continuously find new ways to fool Othello like the handkerchief. In Thomas Bowman’s article “A Further Study in the Characterization and Motivation of Iago” Bowman discusses all the

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