Othello Movie And Movie Comparison Essay

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A Comparison Between William Shakespeare 's play, “Othello the Moor of Venice” and Oliver Parker’s Film. The story of Othello is told in William Shakespeare’s play, as well as in Oliver Parker’s film version of it. Although the plot of the story is the same in the play and the film, as well as other details, there are some differences. Focusing on the character, Iago, and his plan to destroy the main character, Othello, the play and the film use similarities and differences to help show the progression of Iago’s rage. In the first scene of the play, Roderigo and Iago are discussing Iago’s hate for Othello. Roderigo says to Iago, “Thou toldst me thou didst hold him in they hate”, and Iago replies back “Despise me if I do not” (752). The conversation between the two helps develop the idea of how much Iago despises Othello. In the film, …show more content…
In the film, Othello has a dream of Desdemona and Cassio after Iago has told him how he thinks they are having an affair. The dream shows Desdemona sitting on a bed, nude from the back. As she goes to sit up, Cassio is revealed, looking back at Desdemona in surprise. At this moment, Othello wakes up in a panic, sweating and contemplating how the dream he had was actually a nightmare. Oliver Parker used this scene of Othello’s nightmare to give a more dramatic feel of Othello 's fear that Desdemona does not really love him, and that she will one day take Cassio as her lover instead. This scene is not portrayed at all in the play. Shakespeare does in fact make it clear that even though Cassio love and cares for Desdemona, he would never overstep the boundary between Desdemona and Othello . Although the play does a good job at showing the emotions in this time of the story, the scene in the film of Othello’s nightmare helps make the affair between Desdemona and Cassio seem more realistic and less like an

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