Iago made Othello believe that Desdemona was cheating on him. “ Why did I marry? This honest creature doubtless sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds” (3.3.48). Othello is regretting getting married to Desdemona. He thinks Iago knows more than what he is reporting back to Othello. Othello never regretted marrying Desdemona until Iago started rumors about Desdemona cheating on him. Iago can continue making Othello jealous because Othello trusts Iago and will believe him. “But jealous souls will not be answered so; They are not ever jealous for the cause, but jealous for they are jealous: ‘t is a monster, begot upon itself, born on itself” (3.4.59). This quote is saying how people do not have to a have a reason to be jealous, they just are. There may be no known cause of the jealous, it is from this monster that grows inside people and continues to grow until there are no longer jealous. This is how jealousy in the play was …show more content…
This film had the same idea of showing jealousy as the play did but the film was shown in a modern way. Hugo was jealous of Odin because Odin got all the attention on the basketball team. Also the coach who was Hugo’s liked Odin better than is own son. This sparked Hugo’s jealousy. Hugo wanted to mess with Odin’s life by lying to him. At the end of the film, Hugo said “ I know you’re not supposed to be jealous of anything.” Hugo knows that he should not be jealous but throughout the film, his jealousy caused him mess with his friends lives. Odin was also jealous because he believed that Desi was cheating on him. His jealousy caused him to miss his final basketball game and to kill Desi and himself. This was all because he listened to someone else and believed what they said. Odin was too jealous to even talk to Desi or Mike about what was really going on. If Odin did that then maybe his jealousy would not have been that bad. The concept of jealousy was shown better in the film than in the play. Overall the film was more effective showing jealousy than the play was. The reason is because in the film the viewers could actually see how the jealousy affected the characters and their lives. In the play, readers could not see the reaction of the characters when they got jealous. For some people, actually being able to watch and see what is happening really