FRANKENSTEIN: The True Monster Mary Shelly’s novel titled Frankenstein is the tragic story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Victor Frankenstein is a man obsessed with knowledge of the unknown. He played a dangerous game with the laws of nature, and creates his own form of man. Guilty of robbing dead bodies of their parts to build his creation piece by piece he has the nerve to feel disgust at what he created.…
When asked what comes to mind when presented the word “monster”, one might include words such as “frightening”, “ugly”, and “relentless”. It’s almost second nature to associate those characteristics with a monster just as it is when the Creation is first introduced in the book, Frankenstein. However, the true monster in Frankenstein isn’t the one with yellow skin and black lips. The monster is Victor, the one who constructed the Creation. Firstly, Victor completely abandoned his creation.…
Some may consider Mary Shelley’s novel, “Frankenstein”, to be a horror, romance, or even science fiction. Although she has written other novels, “Frankenstein” is the most remembered (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Biography). This British science fiction novel has been adapted into several films and TV shows. The novel is told in the form of letters, but the perspectives are from Walton, Victor, and the Creature. The novel is about a skilled scientist, who in his search for greatness creates an abomination to nature and God.…
The Creature of Frankenstein The novel Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley is about a scientist that discovers the secret to create life from the dead. After the creature is brought to life, Victor, the scientist, instantly regrets his decision. Mortified by his creation, he abandons the creature to fend for himself. Although the monster is hideous, his life begins with as much innocence as any regular child’s. When meeting other people, the creature is greeting by horror, disgust, and anger.…
Victor Frankenstein had been interested in science from a young age one day after an electrical storm the idea sparked in his head to create a monster. After many years of school Victor finally creates the monster in his apartment. Victor's little brother was murdered and Victor had to return home. Victor later finds out that his monster murdered his brother so Victor decided not to reveal his invention. Justine, the Frankenstein's house keeper is charged with the murder.…
As he is created by man, the appearance of the monster is unlike any other. The creation of the monster from bones and artificial parts lends itself to being representative of the working class (Benford 181). This confirms that the working class is a man made creation and Sandra Benford states that the artificial parts lead to the monster being mechanically inclined. Part of the reason the monster is unnatural is his physical perfection, not only is the monster stronger, faster, and more resilient the humans, he has the intelligence to rival man (Shelley 31). This seemingly physical perfection of the monster is akin to a machine, it is simply too powerful and reliable in its strength to be human.…
“Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made man after his own image, but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance. Satan had his companions; but I am solitary and abhorred” (69). In the novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Creature was an invention by Victor Frankenstein, but shortly after he was created, Victor abandoned him. He never intended to create a monster; Victor’s mom had just died and he wanted to find a way for eternal living.…
The interior of the small, empty laboratory is only lit by moonlight. Sitting against the wall, the creature silently awaits his return. The play Frankenstein by Tim Kelly exercises many traits found in gothic literature, such as the presence of monsters, characters with abnormal psychological states, and a haunted castle or palace. One of the many traits that Tim Kelly utilizes in the play Frankenstein is the presence of ghosts, monsters or other supernatural entities. When Victor is talking to Elizabeth about someone coming to kill him, he says, “I know it sounds incredible.…
Humans fear evil, but in many cases, it is often that fear which causes the development of evil. The production of evil by fear is demonstrated through Frankenstein’s creation in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The creature’s identity as a monster is due to societal rejection, isolation, and misinterpretation. It is the reactions of others which cause the creature to develop his violent tendencies.…
The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley explores the topic of identity through the lens of nature versus nurture. Shelley argues that neither of these things makes the man, but rather that the decisions they make effect themselves and those around them. Victor Frankenstein claims to have been raised in a very healthy and nurturing environment. Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t raised in the home of a wealthy family, and instead woke suddenly in the lab of his creator, scared and mostly alone. These two very different situations should have made Frankenstein and his creation very different beings.…
He would often yearn to dive into it to cleanse himself of the responsibility of Justine and William’s death. He would wish to become one within nature because it was beautiful and calm, opposite of what Victor thought of himself, a man riddled with guilt and fear. The creature, in a similar state of loneliness and depression, wandered throughout the forest regaining “pleasure, that had long appeared dead, revive within me…forgetting my solitude and deformity, dared to be happy” (Shelley 129). Nature affects the creature exceedingly, turning his emotions in a complete 180°, in spite of being lonely. The creature is in comfort of the beauty of nature.…
In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, she presents the notion of the qualities that make up villains and victims. Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the creature, is utterly shocked when the creature comes to life causing him to flee. Due to Victor’s fleeing, the creature is forced to learn about life independently and suffer through many situations. Though many would argue that the creature is the victim of the novel, his actions clearly prove that he is the villain. One of the first situations the creature is in is his encounter with William.…
Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel, Frankenstein, uses neglect, rejection, and the fact that the creature represents a shadow of Victor’s past to create a never ending conflict between Victor and the monster. This causes the death of Victor’s closest friends and family to be murdered by the creature who had suffered since the start of his life. Upon the creation of the monster, Victor flees his apartment to escape the horrors he had just witnessed. The creature was left alone without an explanation or knowledge of why Victor would leave. Not knowing what to do, the creature goes off to explore the world he was brought into.…
In the story of Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, we are presented with one grand question that we frequently ponder throughout the book: Who is the true monstrosity - Victor or his creation? In the beginning, we are introduced to a seemingly positive version of Victor, one that may seem a bit delusional in his quest to create an artificial human being, yet still not one we consider a monster. But as this story progresses, does Victor eventually become the monster he created? Or was he truly the monster all along and his creation a mere reflection of himself? Despite Victor’s slight insanity and the Creature’s horrid appearance, neither one of these characters begin as a monster, but develop a monstrous nature.…
Nothing feels worse than being rejected by society because of one’s appearance. In the novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the true monster is Dr. Victor Frankenstein because of his attitude towards his creation. Even though the creature seeks revenge on his creator, Victor is responsible for its actions because he abandon his creation in the world without giving proper care. One reason why Victor is considered the true monster is because he ran away from a creature that he created.…