Bridges starts by sharing what the idea of “holy” really means. The author shares that there are a lot of false ideologies when it comes to what holiness looks like. According to Bridges, “to be holy is to be morally blameless” (Bridges 15). To expand, Bridges …show more content…
I have found lately that life is busy and I put God to the side. However, I can see the direct correlation between meditation and holiness. To apply what I read, I want to work on meditation in the small things. Bridges was clear that God honors obedience. I believe that and I think it is vital that I give God my time, as Bridges explained, in a way that is most filling. Instead of saying I can’t find the time, I want to work through my schedule and find places where I have down time between things to honor God is simple meditation. To guard myself, I need to be more careful about the music I listen to. While listening to rap with negative connotations or filthy language, it is inevitable that those ideas also become something in your own heart. While I can tell myself I would never speak in that way, I also am okay with letting my heart hear it. In reflection of this book, I am able to see ways that I let impure ideas into my life. More than that, I recognize areas where I need to trust God to honor obedience and do the hard things without thinking a fail identifies me as a