The Pros And Cons Of The Gig Economy

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The gig economy can be defined as temporary jobs where the employees are hired as independent contractors instead of full-time employees, however it doesn’t really have a true definition. Everyone’s view toward the gig economy is different, there are several reasons why people think it’s a bad idea as well as many reason why people think it’s a wonderful way to live life. Both the good and bad are shown in the articles by Jia Tolentino, Rebecca Burns, Noam Schieber, and Elka Topey and Andrew Hogan.
One of the main reasons why there is a negative view towards the gig economy is because there is a lack of benefits. This lack of benefits is prominent in both the articles by Tolentino and Burns. In Tolentino’s article titled, “The Gig Economy Celebrates
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In Schieber’s article “Plugging Into the Gig Economy, From Home With a Headset”, Emmett Jones and Troy Carter tell their stories. In Mr. Jones case his wife got sick and he didn’t feel comfortable working a “traditional” job where he would worry about his wife. He clocks in the traditional 40-hour week that many people work and can make $20 and hour. The gig economy allows Jones the freedom that he wants to take care of his wife as well as money to support his family. Carter on the other hand is what Schieber labels a serial entrepreneur, Liveops is one of the many things he has done. To him Liveops is like a miniature family business. “His wife, Lori, handles incoming calls while he’s busy with customers ... Even Mr. Carter’s 9-year-old son, Logan, plays a role”, (Schieber). The gig economy allows him the opportunity to spend time with his family but still make money to support …show more content…
In the article by Topey and Hogan titled “Working in a gig economy”, they broach the topic of how to get started in the gig economy. There are several things that one should be aware of when looking into starting the gig economy like being realistic. “Deciding to take a gig approach to earning money requires patience, budgeting, and adaptability”, (Topey & Hogan). The gig economy isn’t something that you can start and instantly make a ton of money. You may not be able to solely use the gig economy to live off of at first by driving for companies like Lyft or Uber, being a call agent for Liveops, or freelancing services for things like Fiverr. Another thing to think about is figuring out where you belong. Some people are really sociable and love meeting people so maybe selling things online with companies like Poshmark isn’t for you and something like Uber or UberEATS, where you are constantly meeting and interacting with people is. Since there are so many options within different industries for gig employment including art, computers, media, transportation, and so much more people can really find what they are passionate

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