The Pros And Cons Of Population Control

Improved Essays
Population control is any method that is used to control the type and number of people. Over the past few years there has been a slight increase in world population. Overpopulation has always been a concern (Watson). Many people fear that there will not be enough resources to support the human population. Even with this knowledge, people still decide to have children. This is a human right. Every single person on this small planet has the right to bear children and this right cannot be taken away easily. Population control has been a debate among everyone. Most of the controversy comes from the idea of population reduction (Watson). Many governments have tried coming up with ideas on slowing or evens topping population growth. By the mid- …show more content…
There is a limited amount of resources on the planet. Every human needs food, water, shelter, oxygen, and a way to get rid of waste. These are essential for survival. According to science, the world only has 2.5% of water that is available for drinking. Because of this limited of water, the demand for water may exceed the amount left. It has been predicted that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living with hardly any water (Ruz). Also adding to the dangerous situation is the lack of food. Even though people can produce enough food to feed everyone, the food does not always reach the people who need it the most. Because of this, many people die from starvation each year. People also cannot afford people sometimes. As food becomes scarcer, the prices of these types of food go higher. When food becomes more expense, then people are less likely to be able to afford it (“Population Growth and the Food Crisis”). With population control, America may find it easier to feed its citizens. On the other hand, someone can argue that instead of controlling the population America can increase the food production with the surplus in …show more content…
A crime is an action that breaks the law and can be punishable by the state. Every year, there is a slight increase in crime. This is because of the increase of people in cities. Cities tend to have the most crime because of the fact there is more buildings to shoplift, more cars to steal, and more people living there. If there are more people in more area, this increases the chances of people breaking the law (“Population Growth and Crime”). Yet this can be counteracted as well. Yes, there is more crime. However, there are also more people for jobs that can be used to stop these crimes. More police officers, lawyers, and judges can be produced to make the cities and small towns safer. There can be more people to fill jobs that can be used to increase food production. The babies born may also grow up to be doctors and nurses. One child may also grow up and find the cure to cancer and other diseases that do not have official prevention. People as a whole do not know what the future

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