The Pros And Cons Of Federal Prison Reform

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More than two million people are serving time behind bars. This is just the numbers for the US, our country holds 40% of the total prison population, considering the fact that U.S. doesn’t have the largest population. It’s a very alarming situation because this number is increasing every year, so many families are being affected by this. There hasn’t been any major improvement in the federal prison reform, even though there are so many politicians who claim to be very hard towards crime. The current administration is not seeing eye to eye on many issues including prison reform. Some argue that the with tougher punishments to keep our neighborhood safe from crime will increase the privatized prisons, which indirectly leads to more people behind …show more content…
But in reality, nothing has been done so far to improve the conditions of these federal prisons. Just on Wednesday May 9, 2018; The House Judiciary Committee voted in favor of a bill which is being aimed at improving federal prisons and the services they provide (Watkins, 2018). In an article posted on CNN they explained how the bill is going to be helpful; “The bill focuses on both efforts within prisons to reduce the likelihood of recidivism and the re-entry process from prison to the rest of society. Among other things, the bill would order the Bureau of Prisons to expand the availability of programs in prisons with the goal of reducing recidivism, increase the time some prisoners can become eligible to serve their sentences in custody outside of prison and mandate prisons provide tampons and sanitary napkins to prisoners as needed (Watkins, 2018)”. Republican Rep. Dough Collins also added that sentencing reform should be removed but right now they should focus on how this system can help out families who are being affected by

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