Rationale for medication: Administered when stroke is suspected. Nursing diagnosis…
According to a study done in by American Medical Association, about the vast majority of patients that have ischemic stroke are provided an antithrombotic medication on discharge (Bushnell et al., 2010, p. 1458). There are two classes of antithrombotic medication, anti-platelet and anticoagulant, both help to prevent the formation of thrombi, or clots, which if get caught in a brain blood vessel are what cause an ischemic stroke (“Antithrombotic Therapy”, 2016). More than 83% of ischemic stroke patients are proscribed an antiplatelet, with ASA(aspirin) being proscribed almost 57% of the time (Bushnell et al., 2010, p. 1458). Twenty three percent of patients are prescribed warfarin, which is anticoagulant (Bushnell et al., 2010, p. 1458). Mr. Q has arteriosclerosis which means that a clot could become an embolus and travel to his brain reality easily and cause another stroke, which is why proscribing an antithrombotic is important for him.…
The reduced form of vitamin k is essential for the carboxylation of the terminal regions of the vitamin K proteins, factors II, VII, IX, and X. Without carboxylation, these vitamin K–dependent clotting factors cannot become activated. Warfarin interferes with the cyclic restoration of reduced levels of vitamin K. Therefore, warfarin indirectly reduces the synthesis of these clotting factors (Wigle et al., 2013). Cimetidine: Cimetidine is a histamine-2 receptor antagonist.…
Factors that can modify the effectiveness of warfarin and increase/decrease the PT/INR include medications, alcohol, and foods containing vitamin K (A Patient's Guide to Taking Warfarin, 2014). If patients taking Eliquis experience increased bleeding or need surgery, the doctor may order a PT/INR or anti-factor Xa tests to gauge the patient’s coagulation factors (Guidelines for the Management of Anticoagulant,…
It is an anitclotting medication, it keeps the blood thin and free of deadly blood clots so that it will flow smoothly through the circulatory system. In order for the blood to clot after a blood vessel is damaged a process needs to happen. The serine protease and the clotting factors II,VII,IX, and X are realeased from the liver and flow in the bloodstream throughout the body in an inactive state. When the injury occurs, The factors become activated by vitamine K, as the clotting happens vitamin K becomes inactive recyles awaiting future use.…
What is Lipitor? Lipitor is a brand name for drug atorvastatin, which is a newer selective and competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme (HMG-CoA) reductase that belongs to a group of drugs known as statins. Atorvastatin was synthesized in 1985 and its development was mostly based on molecular comparisons of fungal metabolites and other synthetic inhibitors. Atorvastatin is approved for the reduction of elevated total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apo B and triglyceride levels, but its usage also leads to an increase of HDL cholesterol in individuals with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia.…
Coagulation results from the chemical and physical change in the blood. Three blood proteins known as thromboplastinogen, prothrombin, and fibrinogen and calcium ions help in blood coagulation. First, thromboplastinogen is changed into thromboplastin in the presence of an enzyme released by injured or dead cells and destroyed blood platelets. Then prothrombin is moved into thrombin in the presence of thromboplastin. Next, fibrinogen is transformed into fibrin in the presence of thrombin (Rabago,Joaquin, & Lagunzad,2010).…
1. INTRODUCTION Warfarin is a most common Anticoagulant in prevention and treatment of thromboembolic events despite the availability of new drugs such as Novel Oral Anticoagulants due to its affordability. The establishment of the International Normalized Ratio (INR) helps to guide the dosing requirement for patients receiving the warfarin therapy. However, over-anticoagulation leads to adverse events such as haemorrhage while thromboembolic events can happen even at a recommended dose. Different INR is based on different treatment.…
Chest pain? Lightheadedness? Heart palpitations? Can’t catch your breath? You may be experiencing paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.…
Topical hemostatic agents are now frequently used in surgical and trauma sites. Ankaferd blood stopper (ABS) is a hemostatic agent composed of plant extracts, specifically Urtica dioca (0.06 mg/ml),Vitis vinifera (0.08 mg/ml), Glycyrrhiza glabra (0.07 mg/ml), Alpinia vinifera officinarum (0.07 mg/ml) and Thymus vulgaris (0.05 mg/ml). Each of these constituents has some effect on the endothelium, blood cells, angiogenesis, cellular proliferations, vascular dynamics, and cell mediators [12]. Feracrylum is a water-soluble mixture of incomplete ferrous salt of polyacrylic acid containing 0.05 to 0.5% of iron in combination with the pharmaceutical solvent which is water or physiologic solution. Feracrylum is obtained by polymerization of acrylic acid inhibited by redox- system in aqueous medium at 50°C temperature [13].…
Question 4 Warfarin OR Frusemide Choose ONE of these medications and: a) Identify the brand name/s, its indication for use, usual adult dose and route/s in Australian healthcare b) Briefly explain the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the medication c) Identify potential adverse effects, interactions and relevant nursing considerations (400)…
Among the patients taking DAPT, the results indicated that the concomitant use of PPIs might decrease the rate of gastrointestinal bleeding but increase the rates of MACE, ST and revascularization. Clinicians should prudently weigh the pros and cons, and screen out the patients who really need DAPT and PPIs to be used in…
Your health care provider may recommend: o Low-dose aspirin to reduce risk of blood clots. o A drug to reduce red blood cell production (hydroxyurea). o A drug to reduce red blood cells (interferon).…
Only 56 deaths in 2012 were associated with warfarin, as compared to 151 deaths caused by the usage of Xarelto. Xarelto manufacturers wanted to replace warfarin with Xarelto as the next generation of blood thinning drugs. However, according to majority of the clinical studies, Xarelto had a higher rate of bleeding than warfarin. All these confirm the adverse effects that can be caused by Xarelto, as there is no appropriate blood monitoring and dose adjustment. Xarelto manufacturerscould have provided proper instructions on the usage of the drugs as well as on the monitoring of the blood level to help people avoid blood thinning issues.…
The study and results were derived from outpatient neurology clinics from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; University of Maryland, Baltimore; and lastly the Baltimore Veteran’s Administration Medical center. The eligibility to be included in the study hinged on the several factors including age, and overall reduction in estimated glomerular filtration rate as well as numerous other factors. Participants were excluded if the patient was diagnosed with stage five kidney disease or had already received renal replacement therapy (dialysis or kidney transplant), or had previous history of cardiovascular conditions such as coronary artery bypass graft or myocardial infarction within the past ninety days of enrollment. The universal definition states that for myocardial infarction to be present, an increased troponin level must exceed the measurement of the ninety ninth percentile of a healthy reference population (deFilippi et al., 2012).…