Clearly people thought the plague was started and spread in completely different ways. Another way people thought the disease was spread was in our class notes were they found out that sick people give the disease to healthy people and…
Another example from document 6 was that, “faith in religion decreased after the plague, both because of the death of so many of the clergy and because of the failure of prayer to prevent sickness and death” (Courie,Leonard,#4).People stop believing in the prayers because many prayed for salvation of themselves and their families but there prayers didn’t work and people were still dying. Not only that ,according to document 11 people were blaming the Jews for the black plague. An example I found was in document 10 were it said that a Christian resident attacked a jewish town. Those were just some of the effects the black plague cause on…
According to document A , around 1447 in Constantinople , the bubonic plague started to spread causing millions of people to die. Beliefs of how it came and spread had been made . The plague was killed people itself but also caused people to kill other people. A cure for the plague was never found. People affected with the plague had swollen groins that started under their armpits and turned black , the swollen groins could grow as big as an apple and come shaped like an egg.…
The responses given by the Christians and the Muslims were different when they were attacked by The Black Death. Both religions had different viewpoints on the causes of the disease. To try and prevent the disease each religion used different methods, objects, and supplements. During those hard days individuals from that time talked about their own experiences with it and others experiences. There is now knowledge that was not then understood that scientist and historians have been able to discover.…
People back then lacked general hygiene, which is understandable since, there was no indoor pluming at the time. The plague was caused by rats who carried fleas, but I think people caused the spread, not the rats with fleas. People carried the plague through trade routes, unknowingly. People could of just kept to themselves during this time, stay away from open wounds, clothes were also infected as well as, towns. If towns were contaminated, no one should be able to leave, just incase if they do have the disease, they don't spread it.…
In the mid-14th century, a state of physical and mental weariness shot over Europe and the Middle East due to the Black Death. People’s responses to this calamity was influenced by their religion and worldview. The two major religions, Christianity and Islam, dealt with the Black Death in many different ways. As for the Muslims, they viewed the plague as if it was a blessing from God and that prayer was negative. However, Christians believed it was a punishment from God, but God was not the only person they blamed.…
The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people. The Black Death itself caused more than 30 percent of the population in Europe and the Middle East to die (Doc. 2). This contagious epidemic caused its victims to die within three days (Doc. 3). The symptoms of the disease included swelling beneath armpits and the spitting of blood. Yet, the responses of Christians and Muslims were different even though the same disease hit them.…
A deadly plague started from Central Asia to Europe and struck the continent. Black death originated from steppes of Central Asia. Brought by the travelers through trade routes. Plague terrorized Europe and part of Asia in the timeline 1300 s - 1700 s. In some part of England the death was 50 % and some part of France suffered 90% of their populations.…
The Bubonic plague is caused by a bacterium yersinia pestis that is found on the fleas of rats. The disease spread to Europe from the Far East in the 14th century along the trade routes of the silk road. The East was experiencing a great boom in trade and economics under the Mongolian Empire that Genghis Khan had built. The Silk Road saw much more use do to the Mongol conquests and the subsequent Pax Mongolica. This intracontinental trade resulted in the people of Italy seeing their first victims in the mid 14th century.…
In the interim of the Medieval Times while medical knowledge was still egregious, Plague doctors had no affirmative explanation that could account for the Black Death. Nor were they of the time trained to “think critically about disease; rather they relied on writings of medical practitioners from the classical era, whether those…
The bubonic plague, once hitting Europe, resulted in the death of 25 million people. Outbreaks during this catastrophe resulted in medieval society falling apart, for instance, the spread of this disease, the efforts to terminate it, and the reactions from foreign nations as well as Europe’s citizens, generated the shortage of labor all over Europe, as well as demands for higher wages, which were never agreed to, and the loss of faith, when people desperately prayed for salvation, with no answer. The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea, passengers on the Genoese trading ships were greatly infected, and their short arrival paved the way for the death of two thirds of the European population throughout the next five years. The plague and…
This plague was caused by “bubonic, pneumonic, and septicaemic plague strains” (Tignor et al. 3e, 412). The primary account for its course of spread originates in the climate changes…
People were never able to feel safe during this devastating time period. The plague can be transmitted by contaminated food or water, dust or liquid droplets in the air, direct physical contact, or through the bite of infected fleas and rats. These pests were very common in medieval Europe but they were even more popular aboard ships. This is how the disease made its way through one European city to another.…
The plague holds a unique place in history and has a tremendous influence on the development of modern civilizations. Scholars even speculated that the Roman Empire may have fallen since soldiers returning from the battle of the Persian Gulf were carriers of the plague. For quite some time, the plague has been a symbol of disaster for people living in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Not only that but since the cause of it is unknown, outbreaks contributed to massive panics where every it appeared. Countless artworks, literature, and monuments attest to the horrors and devastation of the previous plague epidemics.…
During the 14th century, around 75 to 200 million people died because of the disease known as the Black Plague. These numbers show that around a third of Europe’s population was completely wiped out. Many terrible changes occurred including the rich and the poor going against each other, blaming one another for causing this horrific disease. The Black Plague was the worst epidemic that has ever been recorded in the world’s history because of the disease’s ability to spread rapidly, the terrible process of infection, and as well as the long term effects that it had on Europe.…