Deadly Plague Dbq Essay

Improved Essays
A deadly plague started from Central Asia to Europe and struck the continent. Black death originated from steppes of Central Asia. Brought by the travelers through trade routes. Plague terrorized Europe and part of Asia in the timeline 1300 s - 1700 s.In some part of England the death was 50 % and some part of France suffered 90% of their populations.

Plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. When it enters to fleas body,it lives in digestive system and multiply in flea. when flea bite to animal or human, then they will infected. These infected fleas lived on rats. Vicious cycle was kept going like infected fleas would bite a rat then rats became infected. Rats are the host now when rats died of the plague fleas found a new host to live on . When the fleas bite humans in order to feed , humans infected and formed as a
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But the belief system in medieval Europe was one of the major problem to increased black death.

Based on medieval art European people prone to many superstitions. The catholic Church was the most powerful entity in Europe at the time. Cats were brought by Romans,who brought cats to Europe.Cats are secretive nature and ability to survive extraordinary circumstances,. Because of these facts the general population believed cats are consorts of Satan. Cats were outlawed in many parts of Europe. Huge number of cats and dogs were killed. At one point of middle ages, there were few cats were left in England.

Rats population increases because of fewer cat population. Plague grew more and widespread. People thought that dogs and cats spread plague and killed them. Innocent cats began to be killed by the thousands

Even though cat ownership was illegal in some regions, few people kept their felines. Other people finally noticed that these cat owners immune to the black plague. Then word spread out quickly and observation made cats would eradicate the problem. Rats are real culprit of the

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