The Black Death In The Doomsday Book, By Connie Willis

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During the Fourteenth century, large percentages of populations in Europe were wiped out within a span of seven years due to the epidemic known as the Black Death. The Doomsday Book, written by Connie Willis, illustrates a collection of experiences and reactions of multiple characters during this time of widespread outbreak. The characters Agnes, Father Roche, and Imeye all reveal different viewpoint and thoughts of the plague during this time period.
The Black death was a major historical phenomenon that originated from inner Asia during the fourteenth century. This plague was caused by “bubonic, pneumonic, and septicaemic plague strains” (Tignor et al. 3e, 412). The primary account for its course of spread originates in the climate changes
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Father Roche is a great male priest who Kirvin encounters a great deal of times throughout the story. His social ranking and is quite high because he is an important priest who values others over himself, Religion plays a great role in Father Roche’s reasoning and interpretation of the Black Death. Father Roche says, “‘has the Devil sent it than’” (Willis, 423)? when referring to the suffering and deaths occurring amongst humanity. He believes that the divine God is accountable for the instances occurring and that God is able to fix all. In terms of resolving and stopping the Black Death, he solely believes that God has the power and is the one who will end it all. He puts others before himself even in times of desperation and says “I must hear his confession”(Willis, 421). This example of Father Roche’s caringness exemplifies that he puts his duties before his own self interests because he knows that he must do his job even if it means risking his …show more content…
She is a much older woman and is the mother in law of Eliwys. Her social ranking is high because she is very powerful as the head of the house and is known as the Lady of the Manor. She strongly believes that Eliwys is the reason behind the plague and why it exists in the first place. According to Imeye, “‘It is your sins have brought this punishment to bear’... ‘the Lord punishes adulterers and all their house’... ‘It is your sin that has brought the plague here’” (Willis, 426). She blames Elywis for the plague because her inappropriate actions have serious consequences. Similar to the beliefs of Father Roche, Imeye believes that the divine spirit is in control of everything and can inflict penalties upon people who did the wrongdoings and whoever they are related to and associate with. She also believes that nothing can be done about the Black Death to stop it because “‘there is no help’... ‘It is God’s punishment” (Willis 433). This implies that Imeye thinks that their is no hope for humanity and only despair and distress. Her thoughts thoughts on the plague are influenced by her religious views in that she is not religious and is cynical towards other that could be religious. For instance, she demanded that Kivrin be sent away at once simply because she felt threatened and assumed that Kivrin could be a nun based on the fact that she could read. She later accused Kivrin of

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