The black plague affected the way people thought and spend their money. One of the big problems during the black plague was inflation. For example in document 6 it stated the following, “some felt they should obey the maxim, ‘Eat, drink and be marry, for tomorrow you may die.” (courie,Leonard,#4).This meant that people were spending as if it was there last day. This was not the only economical problem. People where scare to make trades. Part of document 9 states the following, “since it was so difficult to gain goods through trades and to produce them, the prices of both goods produced locally and those imported from foreign lands skyrocketed”(Elizabeth Ellis, #5).That meant that people weren’t able to obtain many of the goods provided by others parts of Europe. The trading system almost collapse. …show more content…
Another example from document 6 was that, “faith in religion decreased after the plague, both because of the death of so many of the clergy and because of the failure of prayer to prevent sickness and death” (Courie,Leonard,#4).People stop believing in the prayers because many prayed for salvation of themselves and their families but there prayers didn’t work and people were still dying. Not only that ,according to document 11 people were blaming the Jews for the black plague. An example I found was in document 10 were it said that a Christian resident attacked a jewish town. Those were just some of the effects the black plague cause on