He tries to help his family in every way possible while simultaneously trying to serve and please his God. He isn’t a failure, nor does he ever think of giving up “No, I will fight this thing. I will win over it. We will have our chance,(Steinbeck pg. 56).” but from time to time he needs to accept the fact that he can’t do something. Kino is a good man that’s done good all his life and yet he’s the one that’s being cheated “QUOTE” but he still doesn’t let it get to him. He’s in poverty, he lives in a straw house, and he has only two sets of clothes. …show more content…
Then his rage and resentment come out and he can’t help but be outraged. “Without warning, he struck the gate a crushing blow with his fist, (Steinbeck pg.12).” After the doctor refuses to treat Coytito, Kino and Juana go out on the river to search for a pearl to try to pay the doctor with. Kino after saying a prayer to God (QUOTE) goes diving in to try to find the pearl. Whether it’s Kino’s skill or his God’s will, Kino finds the biggest pearl anyone has ever seen. He thanks his God QUOTE and continues back home. Right now you’re thinking this is a stroke of luck. At the time it was. At the time they were rich. But this is later, this is after the storm has hit. We see Kino get extremely possessive of his pearl “QUOTE pg. 61” and it costs him