Essay On Myers Briggs Type Indicator

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What is your type? I found that the most effective way to determine your type is to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The material in this paper discusses the validation of my personality type and temperaments after completing the Myers=Briggs Type Indicator test. I will touch on my strengths as well as my weaknesses, and how I can overcome my personality weaknesses and allow my faith in God to be made perfect in those weaknesses. The outcome of the test has given me an increasing understanding of my own personality type and preference, as well as the types of others. There are different ways of doing something and each way is valid. The process may be different; the result is the same. Our individual differences, when understood …show more content…
My results showed I have a moderate preference of intuition over sensing. We gather data through our five senses. There are two distinct ways of perceiving data, sensing and intuitive. Intuitive personalities come up with new ways of doing things, and think about future implications for current actions. Their perception of the world is having endless possibilities and meanings Kroeger & Thuesen (386). When I’m faced with making a decision, I try to consider the “big picture”. How will the outcome of my decision impact my future? Good
The third letter of my personality type represents feeling. The results of the Jung Typology test revealed that I have moderate preference of feeling over thinking. I strongly agreed with the results of personality type letter. People have the capability to make decisions based on two different sets of criteria. Thinking and feeling. Making a decision based on logic and reason is operating in thinking. Making decisions based on your value system, or what you believe to be right, is operating in the feeling mode per the Jung Typology Test. When it comes to making decisions in my personal life and in the work environment, I tend to make decisions based on my belief systems more so than others. I have held back in telling someone something if I feel it will upset them. When I’ve had to make career choices, I’ve considered the work environment to
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The EFNJ personality type sees growth potential in others combined with a genuine drive to help. This trait makes us naturals for jobs as teachers, and counselors.
After reading the Type Talk At Work textbook, I’ve learned a great deal about myself and my personality type. I’ve gained a clearer understanding of my organizational skills and why organization is one of my greatest strengths. I’ve always been complemented on my people skills throughout my career. Engaging in the Jung Typology test has brought great clarification as to why I have this skill, and has given me ideas of how I can approve in other areas of weaknesses in my personality type.
As an Analyst, I can improve in areas of voicing my opinion more when I’m in a group setting. With the twenty years of experience I have gained, I have developed a lot of knowledge on business principles and financial structure that I should be sharing. The Jung Typology results gave me a greater insight on how my personality type tends to hold back on telling a truth if we feel it will be hurtful to others. Although, ENFJ’s may have strong felt beliefs, they’re likely to refrain from expressing them if doing so will interfere with bringing out the best in

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