From Truth to Reconciliation: Transforming the Legacy of Residential Schools. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2008. This books shows the difference experiences generated…
The horrors of war can be life changing both spiritually and physically. The novel “Three Day Road” by Joseph Boyden chronicles the lives of two Cree men, Xavier Bird and Elijah Whiskeyjack, during the First World War. The war has a devastating effect on them emotionally and psychologically. For Elijah, it stripped him of his cultural identity and moral compass, while for Xavier, he tried to maintain his cultural values in what is an appalling experience. The author contrasts the two characters in their loss of cultural values, the pressure of assimilation on their identity, and moral corruption.…
Wei Lin Professor Grekul TA Britt MacKenzie-Dale English 153 15 March 2018 The Sustained Trauma: An Analysis of Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach In Eden Robinson’s novel Monkey Beach, the author reveals the intergenerational trauma over the indigenous community, Haisla. Lisamarie, as well as her peers, is a victim of intergenerational trauma that is passed from one generation to another. The older generations of the family suffer directly from the colonialization which left them incurable scars, and consequently have a negative impact on the young.…
The stories come together in explaining the importance on what has happened in the residential schools and how they effected the children. They range from the abuse that has happened during the time to the after effect of the children graduating. With the sexual abuse that has happened and the punishments that have been handed out, there are times when rewards are presented even if it less frequent then the cruelty of what has…
In his play Where the Blood Mixes, Kevin Loring illuminates the origins and implications of the legacy of residential schools which remains prevalent in Indigenous communities in the twenty-first century. Loring strives not to diminish the experiences of residential school survivors, but to reconstruct how individuals in the twenty-first century view and represent survivors of residential schools. This goal is achieved through Loring’s depiction of characters that are sad, but loving and funny people with hobbies, people who are not consumed and defined by their residential school experiences but continue to feel its painful influence nonetheless. Loring presents the characters with charming yet heart wrenching humanity to illustrate…
Residential schools cause intergenerational trauma within Indigenous families, leading to irrevocable harm. Raven’s Christian mother experiences mental health issues while…
The novel explores an adolescent boy’s journey on acceptance and the realities of racism. Within this narrative, the Indigenous people and the White Australians are segregated. This triggered tension between the groups, leading to disastrous incidences. One of the future inspected occasions dealt with stereotyping. The Native people of Australia were dreaded.…
When you fall, they say brush yourself off and try again. Nevertheless, like most things in life, to do so is easier said than done. Especially with a history such as those of the First Nations people. To recount such a history is beyond imagination, one dark and desolate; to try recount words such as torture… scorn… mockery… disdain…hatred are impeccable examples. Regardless of the animosity and malice directed at the First Nations, many discovered the power within themselves to overcome the horrors that were their lives, as well as to find the strength to move on.…
They are not being given enough education regarding the overall history of how First Nations people came to be in this country. Cultural trauma fits the definition of Residential Schools because of the long term impact and marks that are left on children that attended the Residential school. Children who attended the Residential school experience different trauma in their lifetime. According to Chansonneuve (2005), Many survivors experience ongoing trauma from flashbacks. Although this is the body’s ways of signaling that healing is needed, too many survivors resort to substance abuse to numb these feelings instead of using…
Imagine your innocence and culture being stripped from you, your people denigrated. The family you come from is denounced and your tribal ways and rituals are pronounced backwards and savage by a more superior group of people wanting you to fit the image of what they think is correct. Your people are perceived to be less than human. In Richard Wagamese 1970s based novel Indian Horse this is the case for Saul Indian Horse and the rest of his family. While utilizing the concepts of the Post colonialism theory it can be argued that “Indian Horse’ ’demonstrates a time in which Aboriginal people are hunted down and forcefully taken out of their homeland, assimilated with foreign culture and converted into ideal members of society through harsh…
Native children were treated atrociously, becoming victims of recurring sexual abuse and beatings, being forced to strip naked in front of other students as humiliation, and having needles thread through their tongues if they dared to speak Aboriginal languages. Although residential schools have since been formally apologized for in a Statement of Apology by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2008, as well as, banned, the long-term effects of residential schools are far from being wiped out. Indigenous communities continue to face extensive issues including high unemployment levels, low levels of education, inadequate health care services, and poor housing. Residential school students grew up being abused and that was their way of life. They are unaware of any other way of life, and thus, they raise their own children in this brutal manner because they were deprived of their own culture back…
The lack of food, clothing, lodging and education and its quality were below basic needs at best. Insufficient nutrition, human experiments, sickness and disease combined with inadequate clothing, especially for winter and harsh punishments, created a hostile environment. Treatment that would’ve never been tolerated with white children became routine for Aboriginal children at these schools. The devastating effect has been one that clearly changed Indigenous people for…
In chapter eight of Lisa Monchalin’s The Colonial Problem: An Indigenous Perspective on Crime and Injustice in Canada, she discusses the crime that is affecting Indigenous persons. She explains that there are many factors leading to the victimization and over-representation of Indigenous persons, all of which are a result of colonialism and colonialist ideologies. In discussing this issue, Monchalin mentions that students living both on and off of reserve, face a struggle in their education and academic attainment. The students who are off reserve, were stated to have faced this struggle due to the fact that many school systems had the high “prevalence of institutional forms of racism as well as evident, direct racist actions and attitudes…
Sometimes hardship and struggles become so large that no one individual can successfully survive it. Often, the adversity can leave damage on a specific facet of identity, eventually weakening an individual in all parts of themselves. In the short story, The Legend of the Sugar Girl, author Joseph Boyden explores the impact Residential Schools had on a specific individual. The main character is slowly stripped of her Aboriginal culture through her experiences at the school. Her culture was the foundation that her identity was developed from.…
This research was conducted by the University of Manitoba, department of Community Health Sciences and was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The focus on this study is to understand the relationship between the histories of abuse and suicidal behavior among the Indigenous population, and in association of indirect or direct exposure from the Residential School. The study showed that direct exposure from the Residential Schools put in forth a multigenerational trauma transmission that has spread through the Indigenous communities, although in some cases resilience was found among few survivors. Mainly that direct Residential School exposure was only associated with history of abuse but in the case of individuals that were…