They decide to use True Son as a decoy to ambush a white barge. True Son decided to tell the whites that there was an ambush at the last minute, shaming his party. Cuyloga, his Indian father, disowned him, and abandoned him for his treachery. Is this fair, no, Cuyloga considered himself True Son’s father, and no parent should abandon their child, no matter what. There is no excuse for desertion, not for the Whites or the Indians. Cuyloga, rather than face a loss of pride, decided to leave a vulnerable kid out on his own. Now, True Son has nowhere to turn to, his white family won’t have him, and now, neither will his Indian family. Conrad Richter likes to mess around with languages, with the Indians side; he uses their words.
They decide to use True Son as a decoy to ambush a white barge. True Son decided to tell the whites that there was an ambush at the last minute, shaming his party. Cuyloga, his Indian father, disowned him, and abandoned him for his treachery. Is this fair, no, Cuyloga considered himself True Son’s father, and no parent should abandon their child, no matter what. There is no excuse for desertion, not for the Whites or the Indians. Cuyloga, rather than face a loss of pride, decided to leave a vulnerable kid out on his own. Now, True Son has nowhere to turn to, his white family won’t have him, and now, neither will his Indian family. Conrad Richter likes to mess around with languages, with the Indians side; he uses their words.