The Influence Of Aunt Alexandra In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Register to read the introduction… The missionary meeting was a turning point in Aunt Alexandra’s demeanor towards all others. She, “Smiled brilliantly. ‘Stay with us, Jean Louise,’ she said.” (p. 307). Even though Aunt Alexandra was only doing this to change Scout, it was different from how Scout was treated before. In this case, Aunt Alexandra was speaking to Scout more as an adult, than a child. Not only that, but she wanted Scout to assimilate into her own crowd. This illustrated that Aunt Alexandra felt that Scout did not have bad manners. She just did not know when to use them. Also, compassion is shown when she let Calpurnia serve her and her guests. “‘Can I help you, Cal?” [Scout] asked, wishing to be of some service. Calpurnia paused in the doorway. ‘You be as still as a mouse in that corner,’ [Calpurnia] said, ‘an’ you can help me load up trays when I come back.’”(p. 306). After that whole thing about Aunt Alexandra wanting Calpurnia to leave, now she is letting Calpurnia help out a little. This just shows that Aunt Alexandra has made some progress in changing because of Atticus’s influence on her. He made it quite clear that Calpurnia was not going anywhere and now Aunt Alexandra had shown that she had taken in what Atticus had said. Also, it took Aunt Alexandra some time to understand that Atticus was the one in charge. In addition to that, she did not have the right to gossip about anything that Atticus told her in secrecy. “‘Oh, Mrs. Perkins,’ [Aunt Alexandra] said, ‘you need some more coffee. Let me get it.’” (p. 317). After she heard that Tom Robinson had been shot, Aunt Alexandra went back to the meeting and acted like nothing had happened. This showed that she respected Atticus’s wishes. Aunt Alexandra said, “‘I can’t say I approve of everything he does, Maudie, but he’s my brother,’” (p. 316). Aunt Alexandra wanted to fit into the Finch family and to do this she had to change her …show more content…
By the end of the book, Aunt Alexandra was almost a completely different person because of her stay at the Finches. The whole reason for her visit was to change Scout, but instead she got changed herself. This was not what was meant to happen, but it did. This sort of thing happens in many families, as well. A family member come to change someone else, but ends up get changed instead. The ironic part of this is that when it happen, the family member who is changed, usually get positively influenced. In more cases than not, positive influence comes to people who strived to change the personality of

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