The Public Health can give proper rehabilitation for victims of drug abuses , which can only result in personal growth. For example, David Power, who was entangled with the drug exchange, rearranged his life, after rehabilitation, and became the “poster boy for rehabilitation” (Harris). The recession to drugs is common, if the rehab isn’t performed professionally. In order for our illegal drug crime rate to fall, we must allow individuals to grow and prosper. Mr . Power “graduated from Monmouth University in New Jersey, and was hired” (Harris) at an accounting firm, and thrives after the correct rehabilitation. We must encourage personal growth as a factor. A person, who is under prosecution for illegal drugs, must be able to help the community and society, we must give victims the ability to change their behaviors. Many cases show that many americans can be addicted to substance. Addiction is a medical condition that should be treated. Going through rehab, which the is provided by APHA, can improve our society and lessen the amount of criminal activity. The wellbeing of our communities and individuals is the main priority, because we thrive to succeed with equality and …show more content…
The administration of fairness and safety should not be partaken in the conflict of illegal drugs, because the justice system can harm its citizens. According to Robinson V. California, it would be “infliction of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments”(666). Our Justice system prioritize fairness and equality, yet they would rather sentence victims of addiction to seclusion in prison. It is medical condition requiring medical attention, diagnosis, and aid. It is cruel to punish someone, who requires doctors and peer support, for their actions. Within the walls of prison, most addicts or marketers will return to their same habits. If our Public Health system treated the matter of illegal drugs, they would evaluate the unique situation as it applies to the health of the communities and the health of the defendant. Although a select number of prison sites hold rehabilitation for addicts, the nurses and psychiatrists can not be judged as a proper fit for individuals. The APHA can diagnose patients and record the progress of individuals with alcohol addiction as well as the patients who suffer drug addiction. Addiction is a clouded judgement and the victim’s desire for such substance(s), because of the side effects. The human body is an amazing creation, yet it is easily fooled over necessities. The mind believes that it can not