Introduction: Human being and nursing is just like two sides of one coin. Existence of human being can’t be imagined without nursing as from the very moment of birth human baby needs care and nourishment from mother. This is first nursing and mother is the first nurse to lap the baby and by this all sense organs sensitise, satiate the needs by which the baby grows to a full bloom one. Human race is nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes …show more content…
They were doing more to the humanity, as the compassions and care, feeling empathetic towards the needs of patients. From the renaissance the golden period of nursing, the lady with the lamp proved best that nurses are able to do more with less as she had only lamp to show the path, to dispel darkness of ignorance, of disparity, hatred suffering, ailing etc. With a single lamp she could be able to save the lives of millions, heal the wounds of large troop of British army .With a single touch removed the misery of suffering. With a single preach –make nursing a profession prepared uncountable nurses for caring the sick for ever. With single research enabled nurses to be researchers in quest of new knowledge to add base of knowledge. She proved that a nurse can play multi roles. She is the angel and versatile genius who can make a difference. A single consoling word removes fear of patient, a single therapeutic touch initiate’s hope and aspirations in patient and family members. A single counselling session changes behaviour of client and take towards positive living and thinking. The great master created thousands of masters to follow her to do more with less means with available resources she can change the condition of patient and sprinkles the shower of hope and …show more content…
They must believe they are capable and fully empowered to provide excellent care and make the changes necessary to improve ineffectual systems. Physicians and administrators must support nurses in their efforts. Most of all, nurses need to help each other through mentoring, educational and skills development opportunities, and support networks. As the healthcare professionals most actively engaged in direct patient care, nurses are positioned to provide leadership in all healthcare areas, including developing systems to reduce medical errors, improving quality, providing better care coordination, increasing access to care, and averting workforce shortages. Yet clinical experience isn’t enough. To serve as successful and knowledgeable board or committee members, nurses must be familiar with governance, strategy, fundraising, financial systems, health law, and policy. Nursing skill development programmes will definitely help to materialise the dream. Leaders in the Boards working to bring more nurses into leadership positions at the local, state, national and global levels.
Change agents: Nurses play multi role as discussed the extended and expanded role of nurse. At the end of her life, Florence Nightingale said, “May we hope that when we are all dead and gone, leaders will arise who have been personally experienced