My family went to church every Sunday for years until a reverend that my parents respected was asked to leave the congregation and when I decided to not be confirmed into the congregation as a teenager. I remember getting my first bible from my church after making my first communion and memorizing “The Lord’s Prayer”, but most of all I remember learning The Golden Rule. “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12, English Standard Version). I believe that this rule has truly helped shape me as a person and I do not think that you have to be religious to find meaning in this statement, which is why I believe it stuck with me.
As I began to develop into a teenager I began questioning my faith in God. I did not want to be confirmed into the church when I was fourteen, but my parents told me that I should at least try going to confirmation classes. I attended every confirmation class for months and at the end of confirmation classes I decided not to get confirmed. I did not think that I was ready for that kind of commitment and I was unsure about my own philosophical belief system. I think that it really hurt my parents feelings when I decided not to, but I am glad that they let me decide for myself about my own