How To Shape My Worldview

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Growing up in a blue collar, middle American, union home has given me the privilege to accomplish many of the goals that I have set forth for myself without much trouble. I grew up in a predominantly caucasian town, with a well funded school system, and was I active in my local congregation, which has impacted the way that I see the world. My parents played an extremely active role in my life and encouraged my siblings and I to work hard and to set high goals for ourselves. They would be critical of our decision making and insisted that we be responsible and finish the goals that we had set for ourselves because quitting was never an option for us. I think that class has always played a critical role in shaping my worldview. I recall times when I was younger, my mother and father would be discussing the prevailing wage and whether or not my father should vote to strike with his union. When I was younger I did not understand what they were talking about, but I think growing up listening about the plight of blue collar workers has attuned me to the plight of low-income and middle class working families. My parents always encouraged my brothers and I to think critically about the things that we were learning in school and things that we heard about in our everyday lives, especially as they pertained to class issues. My family has always had an “us versus them” outlook when talking about class issues and the animosity between working class families and the top one percent that controls most of the country’s wealth. Mantsios holds that Americans often blame those living in poverty for the issues facing the country, while the ruling class pits the middle class against the poor (Mantsios as cited in Ferber, Jimenez, O’Reilly Herrera & Samuels, 2009, p. 512). I believe that my parents largely saw through this media haze, but harsh judgements of those that did not work and were living in poverty still existed. My parents are people that believe that if you work hard enough you can achieve the American dream and I too did believe this for a long time, but I know now that systems can be oppressive and hold low-income families back from upward mobility. Along with the working class pride I believe the value of hard work has always been a crucial part of my life. My parents believed that everyone in the family had their place and should be actively working on chores that fit that individual’s age. In fact, one of my earliest memories was stacking wood with my family for our wood furnace. I really hated stacking wood, but my parents would make my brothers and I do our chores longer if we complained about the work. Of course my parents would not have let us stop working until the job was completed anyways because anything that is worth doing, is worth doing thoroughly. I never had trouble looking for work …show more content…
My family went to church every Sunday for years until a reverend that my parents respected was asked to leave the congregation and when I decided to not be confirmed into the congregation as a teenager. I remember getting my first bible from my church after making my first communion and memorizing “The Lord’s Prayer”, but most of all I remember learning The Golden Rule. “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12, English Standard Version). I believe that this rule has truly helped shape me as a person and I do not think that you have to be religious to find meaning in this statement, which is why I believe it stuck with me.
As I began to develop into a teenager I began questioning my faith in God. I did not want to be confirmed into the church when I was fourteen, but my parents told me that I should at least try going to confirmation classes. I attended every confirmation class for months and at the end of confirmation classes I decided not to get confirmed. I did not think that I was ready for that kind of commitment and I was unsure about my own philosophical belief system. I think that it really hurt my parents feelings when I decided not to, but I am glad that they let me decide for myself about my own

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