Computer Science Degrees

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The ability to understand programming and all of its algorithms will grant anybody the power to keep up with technology. This is why elementary schools need computer science classes integrated into their curriculum. Teaching young children how to program will evolve the world in new ways by allowing these individuals to create new applications and technology. Since there are not any computer science related courses offered in elementary schools, they are restricted from the opportunity to learn code because they have not been exposed to it yet. Once they reach levels of schooling higher than elementary, it will possibly be too late for individuals to want to learn programming because the children will be growing mentally and lack the motivation …show more content…
Furthermore, the salary for programmers is also fairly high at entry-level positions. As Johnson states, “The survey shows that CS majors are aware that their degrees are valuable; on average, they expected a starting salary of $68,120, slightly above the actual average starting salary of $66,161” (Johnson par. 6). Johnson depicts how computer programmers are able to achieve high amounts of money when they chose the path of a computer scientist. By teaching children computer science courses in elementary schools, they will be exposed to greater opportunities that will offer higher rewards. Since children are not being taught computer codes, they are not able to make the decision to go into any computer related occupations because they will not have the necessary skills to thrive these kinds of environments. Johnson also states, “There’s no shortage of data, reports, and surveys which find that people with CS degrees can expect some of the some of the highest starting salaries of any field of study” (Johnson par. 1). Johnson elaborates further on the notion that computer science is a solid occupation to progress towards because of the incentives and rewards that are included. Realizing the power of learning how to programmer with numerous computer languages will shape the way young individuals think when using contemporary

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